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       I painted a rock to put in the community garden at school, but I see other rocks in other places. So today, I went over to the high school building for a CAPS conference.


          I forgot something...

     Next year, I start JUNIOR HIGH. I planned my schedule for next year today! I'm so frickin excited! I don't have PE till spring... (I hope...)  Haha, you didn't think I was graduating 6th grade soon huh? Anyway, back to the topic before hand.

    So, like I said before, I painted a rock. (I know, exciting, isn't it?) It was a decent-looking My Chemical Romance rock. I had also painted 2001 - *infinity symbol* on it as well. I was walking out of the building and I walk by the rocks. A certain one caught my eye. You guessed it. The rock I painted was sitting in the mulch, for all the high schoolers to see. No, wait not sitting, STANDING, in the mulch. The person who placed it proped it up against the wall! I'm guessing that person was a fan. 😊

   Yeah. I'm super happy that person did that.

      Oh yeeeeah. So yesterday, my dad tells me to pick something on the WWE network. So I'm searching for stuff, then I remember, some Hell in a Cell matches have BVB playing the background. I've already seen one of them, it was 2012 and they played In the End. I picked 2011 because I remembered they played Set the World On Fire in that year.

     The one is 2012 didn't give BVB recognition in it. I'm still bummed about that. BUT, (tee hee, but...) The one from 2011 DID give the song recognition. I. Freaked. OUT!! And I sang along every time they played the song.

      Sorry about the long chapter. I just wanted to talk... Well, I guess this makes up for the chapter that only had 3 words...

    I hope you guys are having a good day!

    Word count: 330 words (plus 4)

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