Natsu is a jerk!

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We looked at the guild doors and saw.....
(Don't you DARE name the dots)
Romeo?!(You probably didn't see it coming did you? Anyway, so that I could ship RoWen, I have to make Romeo quit the guild.)

"Romeo-san?" Wendy asked going to Romeo. I noticed that Romeo's guild mark was gone...?

"I quit the guild. Natsu-nii was being a jerk." He said, angrily.


We got our guild marks. The guild mark places were the same as when we were in Fairy Tail. Same colors, too. But, the only thing not same is it's not the Fairy Tail insignia but Sabertooth insignia.

"Well, you guys are lucky." I started. They looked at me. "You get to have 5 of the best mages of Fairy Tail, standing or rather, joining Sabertooth." I looked at them and they were confused.

"Lucy-san, you're powerful...? I mean, not to be rude, aren't you one of the best mages 'cause you're their only celestial mage? For now, Sabertooth has 2. So how come you're a best NOW?" Sting asked politely.

"Well, would you want to challenge Lucy-nee, Master?" Zeva-chan said.

"Please don't call me Master. Just Sting. We're nakama after all. And, I don't want to hurt a fellow nakama." Sting said.

"Don't worry. It's okay, Sting." I said to him and so he gave up and agreed.

No One's POV

Sting and Lucy was in the battlefield of Sabertooth.

The members has made a bet. Only the ex-fairies voted for Lucy while the Sabertooth members voted for Sting.

Guess we're making a lot of money. The ex-fairies smirked.

The fight began. But in a flash, not even the most fastest person, can see what happened. But, as you see, Lucy won. And so they paid up to the ex-fairies.

"So, did you hurt you fellow nakama, Sting?" Lucy asked Sting and he smirked. "You're strong, Lucy-san. How?" He asked, smirking at her.

"Well, a dragon taught me every magic for only 5 years." Lucy answered.

"Wow, really?!" Sting asked.

"Yeah!" Lucy smiled.

Then, someone or rather, an uninvited person appeared.

"How dare you steal 5 of our mages, Sabertooth!" A familiar voice said.

A salmon-haired boy.

"Ugh. It's Natsu/Natsu-san/Natsu-nii/Natsu Dragneel(Lucy said this)/Natsu-ojiisan." The ex-fairies and even Carla said.

"Natsu-san?" Sting asked.

"Natsu Dragneel. He didn't steal us. We joined them." Lucy stepped up and said.

"See you in the next Grand Magic Games. If you're brave enough to compete with us." Lucy winked and went near Wendy and Zeva which they high-fived Lucy in a very BOSS expression.

"Oh we will go! We will regain our place on the top!" Natsu remarked and disappeared.

"Natsu-ojiisan..." Zeva mumbled.

"Well, then, it's only 3 months 'til the next GMG. Why don't we train and then we can check who should go to the GMG?" Sting asked.

"SURE/OKAY!" The members shouted and went off in groups to train. One of those groups are Juvia, Rogue, Gray, Minerva, Lucy, Zeva, Wendy, Yukino, and Romeo. With the exceeds. Sting is coming because of his partner. But he's not joining the GMG.

"So, where should we train?" Minerva asked.

"Isn't it better to go to the beach? On the first day, we could play and on the second day until the third month, we could train. Or during the first day and weekends we could play and the weekdays, train." Sting said, childishly.

"If you said " we" you mean US, right?" Lucy asked.

"Of course! But I have to help you train!" Sting said.

??? POV

Gihee Gihee Gihee.

The annoying metal-head just keeps on laughing laughing.

"Hey, metal-brain, could you shut up?! We're trying to train here!" I shouted at Metal-Brain.

"Excuse me, Flame Breath, we're not training! We're SPYING." He come backed.

"Why do you think that?!"

"Well, you said your plan was to see how weak they are! That mean SPYING, doofuz!"

"Guys, stop fighting!"

"Anything for my Cutie Pie!"

"Ugh! Get a room, you two!"

"Anyway, they said they'll train at the beach right? Let's sabatoge their training!"

"Of course! We better not make those weaklings who selfishly quit our guild be strong!" Only my girlfriend agreed with me.

The others didn't.

"UGH! We need to train, right?! We have to go to the beach!" I told them which they nodded.

Wait for my surprise, Sabertooth...

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