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"We were a strange
love, her and I.
Too wild to last,
too rare to break."

- Atticus

- S U M M A R Y -

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- S U M M A R Y -

Delilah Renae Ostrander had always been a troublemaker; ocean blue eyes twinkling with mischief, snow-blonde hair tied up messily to perform her next prank on one of her siblings, an innocent smile stretching across her lips when scolded by her parents. Even at the young age of eight, she was always getting into trouble. However, in the family she was in, pranks and jokes and disguised laughter could only make her so happy. Delilah felt alone even in a house full of people.

Sirius Orion Black had always been fueled by rebellion. With the Black family features of luscious black hair and stormy grey eyes and prominent cheek bones, he could get away with almost anything in the Wizarding World. He found refuge in the chaos of no rules. However, in the family he was in, rebellion and sarcastic remarks only made him so happy. Sirius felt unloved, even among his best friends.

Delilah and Sirius were perfect for each other and so perfectly imperfect for each other at the same time. Their friends would say it was a love story so out of the blue and yet so painstakingly obvious. With their constant bickering and sarcasm and mischief, the two had often been called a dangerous pair. But their kindheartedness and loyalty and love for each other and their friends outweighed all the bad.

Messy and unplanned and just plain unorganized, their love story was one of tragedy and sadness, but both would say it was worth it. For if they hadn't gone through the hard parts they wouldn't have had each other. And they wouldn't have experienced this love, this very abstract love.


Hello, my name is Bryla and I
really hope you all enjoy this fanfic.
A few notes before you begin...

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction including characters from the Harry Potter world, which is owned by J.K Rowling. None of this is canon and I am very grateful to Rowling for writing these magnificent stories about Hogwarts, for without them this fanfic would not exist.

STARTED - 02•01•24
FINISHED - Ongoing

Bryla Love

Abstract Love | s. blackWhere stories live. Discover now