02 | The Sorting

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BY THE TIME THEY HAD sat down in the Great Hall for the welcoming feast, Delilah was exhausted. Even after having a four hour nap on the train, she seemed to have a frown etched permanently onto her face and, according to Lily Evans, 'judgmental eyes'.

Delilah was sitting in between Lily and Aurora and was leaning her head down on her fist solemnly. Her friends had tried as hard as they could to make her feel better, but nothing had worked. They eventually gave up, knowing that whatever was bothering Delilah had something to do with her summer or her siblings and that she most likely didn't want to talk about it.

As usual.

The Hall was as crowded as it always was, each house table full of students talking and laughing and reliving their summers to their friends. Delilah recognized many faces as she scanned the noisy room; her friends from Gryffindor, the younger students she barely talked to but knew nonetheless, classmates she liked from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, many students from Slytherin she greatly wanted to hex, and her siblings scattered throughout them all.

Clarence was talking to his friends Bellamy Anderson and Charles Brownson at the Ravenclaw table, and seemed much happier than he had earlier. Clarabel was sitting with her friends at the Slytherin table a few seats away from Dayne, who was guffawing with Payton Nott and Adrian Avery about something that was most likely cruel.

After scanning the end of the Slytherin table where the older students sat, Delilah remembered that Katherine no longer attended Hogwarts, for she had graduated the year before. Delilah was almost grateful, for if her big sister had been sitting across the Hall from her she might've stalked up to Katherine and sucker-punched her in the nose for what she had said about Delilah's friends on the platform.

"So, Delilah," Lily said, knocking the girl out of her not-so-happy thoughts.


"Are you excited for your sister's sorting?"

Delilah's eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. "My sister's sorting?" A second later her eyes widened and her attitude changed completely. "Oh, sweet beard of Merlin!" she exclaimed with a grin. "Genevieve's starting at Hogwarts!"

"Yeah," Dorcas said with a soft chuckle. "She turned eleven over the summer, didn't she?"

Delilah nodded. "How did I not remember?" she said. "Gennie's only been talking about it for months now. I even wished her good luck on the platform!"

"You're ridiculous, Ly," Marlene said with an eye-roll. "But anyway - which house do you think she'll be in?"

"I dunno," Delilah said, scanning the front of the great hall as if Gennie would suddenly appear out of thin air. "She's a puzzle, my sister. She's absolutely brilliant and could definitely be a Ravenclaw, but she's also got all the characteristics of a Hufflepuff. And she could get sorted into Slytherin if she really wanted - mum and dad most likely would've talked to her about it before the train. I wouldn't put it past them to command her to ask the hat to put her in that blasted house."

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