Dear Diary: December 4th

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Dear Diary,              

December 4, First day at Goode High

Today I start Goode High. After 17 years of thinking my father hated me I finally got to meet him. Turns out my mother didn't want him in my life, but I decided I did. I moved to New York. My father had no idea I was born and started a family with another woman. She is really sweet. A better mother than my real one. Her name, Mary Ann Chase. She had a son when she was a teen and named him Malcolm and had twin boys with my dad. Once I got here Malcolm was the first to accept me. He is really sweet and cares about me deeply.

I hate that I had to move here near Christmas. Everyone has already been accepted into clubs. I have to wait to next year --my last year of high school-- to join anything. I continue writing when I get back from school..

I walked through the Christmas decorated halls of Goode. What am I doing here. I know no one here. No even my dad. Whites, greens, pinks, and yellows flashed in my vision. Paper flying everywhere. The next thing I knew I was on the ground.

"I am so sorry.. I did not mean to bump into you." I looked up to see a girl with red hair. She wore paint splattered jeans and a black tee-shirt with colorful paint splotches all over it.

"It's okay.." I groaned, feeling a pain in my ass.

The redhead huffed, picking up all of the papers, "how about I make it up to you?"

"I told you it was fine.. I'm okay."

"I'll buy you a snack.."

I sighed. She wasn't going to give up anytime soon, "Just tell me your name."

That seemed to take her by surprise. "Oh... um. I'm Rachel Elizabeth Dare."

"Annabeth Chase," I smiled at her, giving her a paper she forgot, "mind telling me the way around here?"

Rachel jumped, "oh of course." She started to pull her curly red hair up but decided against it.

We started to walk to the Junior Corner as she called it. It was where all of the Juniors hung out before the bell. The higher on the steps you were the higher on the high school food chain you were. The Seniors hung up on the top level. All of their classes were up there.

"So I hang out down here with the 'losers'. This is Annabeth everyone. Annabeth.. Thats Katie." A girl with braided brown hair raised her hand to wave at me. "And thats Silena." A girl with stunning long black hair smiled at me, "And finally Nico." A boy with an old timey bomber jack nodded in my direction.

"Hi.. I'm Annabeth~" before I could finish my sentence someone from the top of the stairs was calling my name. 

It was Malcolm. He made his way down the stairs of Juniors to the very bottom to me. "I'm glad you didn't get lost. I had to meet up with the basketball team earlier this morning. I couldn't take you to school."

I smiled as he buried me in a hug. A family. "It's fine I met Rachel and I was meeting her friends."

He let me go and looked at the little group, "hey.. I'm Malcolm Pace."

Katie nodded, "I know.. We all know. Annabeth I thought you were new here?"

Malcolm laughed along with me, "He's my step-brother. I moved in with my dad this year." He nodded confirming. "I would never date a guy that still sleeps in his tighty whities."

"Annabeth!" he groaned at me, "I have a rep to hold for one more year.. Please."

I giggled, "fine.. But if your rep is that important, then you better go to your senior friends."

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