Dear Diary: December 7th

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Dear Diary,
December 7th. Second day at Goode High
Last Friday was probably one of the best/drama filled day of my life. I loved the day. This weekend nothing much happened. Malcolm tried to get me out of the house Saturday to go with him and a couple of friends to the park. I was tempted, but Percy was in the group of friends. I decided against it. I lost my respect for the boy.
Saturday Percy actually was one of the guys who stayed. I avoided him all night and all of Sunday. Malcolm took my PlayStation that night. I stayed up all night.
Sunday wasn't eventful. Rachel called me, and Piper skyped me. Thats basically all that happened this weekend. Malcolm is actually taking me to school this morning~~~~ Sorry Malcolm swerved into a parking place in his solid black Jeep. You know the drill.. Continue later.
"Really Malcolm," I complained, shoving my diary in my bag.
"Sorry.. Someone was about to steal my space."
I rolled my eyes, hopping out the jeep. Unfortunately I was wearing a dress so the skirt part hiked up showing my light blue undies.
"Want to bring those innocent panties over and I can make them wet," I heard call from behind. I turned around flattening my dress and glaring at the boys. They were all wearing leather jackets. The one who caught my eye was the one in the driver seat. He had blonde hair. Perfectly chiseled jawline. He had a scar on his face probably because of a fight. "Come on over Blue."
I huffed grabbing my stuff from Malcolm's car and slammed the door shut. So infuriating. I hate him.. But he was so cute.
I rushed inside not wanting to be harassed anymore. During my runaway I bumped into the girl that I saw at the doorway during Nico and Rachels fight.
"I'm sorry," I bend over to pick up the stuff I dropped. 
"Were those guys bothering you?" she asked pointing to the duo in Mercedes. I blushed. "You don't have to listen to them. If they bother you again.. Tell me. Luke and Ethan are bad. I don't want Malcolm's sister getting in with the wrong crowd."
"You know my brother," I looked up at the stunning girl. She rocked a Death to Barbie shirt, and punk hair with blue highlights. Such a rocker look.
"Yeah.." she nodded.
"Who are you?" I asked. If this girl knew my brother she had to be cool.
"Ask your brother who the best girl he slept with then you'll know my name," she winked at me before handing me my bag, "see ya around Annie."
I blushed. There was no way I could ask my brother that. But I wanted to know who she was. I ran a hand through my hair and made my way to my locker.
"Hey Annabeth!" Rachel popped up next to me as I had a bunch of books in my hand. I dropped them on the ground, nearly screaming.
"Rach! Don't do that," I took a deep breath in. I bent down to pick up my stuff.
"Sorry.." she bent down to help me.
When we stood again, laughter erupted at the Junior Corner. A group of cheerleaders we laughing around Percy and the blonde guy. Piper was standing at the bottom of the stairs waiting for someone.
"Either Callie or Silena.."
"Callie is one of Pipers friends. Silena left us for Piper the other day at lunch after me and Nico got into that fight."
"She's waiting for me.. Me and her are going to hang out today," I pushed the strap up on my shoulder.
Rachel narrowed her eyes at me, "you too. The things Nico said weren't true."
"I'm not saying they are Rach."
"You're leaving me!"
"I can hang out with other people," I huffed.
"Not with her! Shes a traitor."
I started to fume, "Piper reached out to me and wanted to hang out with me. No need to be a snobby bitch." With that I walked off, towards Piper.
I heard her huff behind me. I rolled my eyes as I approached Piper.
"Hey!!" she hugged me tightly, "whats wrong?"
"Rachel.." I sighed roughly.
"Yeah.. Whats up?"
"Nothing.. But I do have to ask you something.."
"Shoot," I climbing up the stairs to stand where I wanted. No High School food chain will make me sit at the bottom of the stairs.
She followed me up. I had a feeling she could sit wherever she wanted. "My best friend, thats a guy.. I kind of have a crush on him.. But a lot of girls have a crush on him. When I hang out with him he always talks about his neighbor.."
"Pipes.. Sometimes you have to charge right in there and ask him. Like this.. watch .." I pulled a random junior up and kissed him roughly. I sighed as I dropped him. Making quite a rep here aren't you Annie.
The guy blushed, melting back down to the floor.
"Sorry.. I was trying to prove a point," I apologized to the girl who seemed to be upset.
"T-thats not the same.. You don't even know his name," she looked away from me.
"Fine do you want me to do that to Percy then?" I groaned.
Piper piped up, "no you don't have too.."
"I will if it gets you to try and ask this guy out. Hell, I'll ask Percy out," I threw my arms up, flailing around.
"I'm doing it. I'm going to ask Percy out so you can ask that guy out. If Percy says yes, you have to try, Okay?"
The bell rang, sending the sea of high schoolers to their 1st period. "I'll do it later."
Ms. Dodds class/Trigonometry. Dec 7th
So Ms. Dodds had a phone call to go to and told us to 'visit' for a while. I needed a chance to talk to Percy alone. Even if I didn't want to date him.. I wanted to experiment. If what Piper said was true then I could date him, refuse to have sex with him, then he would keep trying to the point where he fell in love with me then break his heart. He probably has broken a lot of innocent girls in this school. Newbie Annie will Play the Player. Operation Play the Player is in the go. After school I will ask him out.
I'm not doing this because I hate Percy.. I'm doing this because he needs to know how it feels to be toyed with. Day 1 of PtP.
I closed my book with a sigh. I peeked over at a group that erupted into laughter, to see him looking over at me, ignoring his friends. He wasn't sitting in his right seat. Percy 'freaking' Jackson was staring at me. Annabeth Chase.
Why am I acting like this! I have no idea!
I quickly looked to my book that was open. I didn't know what it was. In the corner of my eye I saw him get up. I closed my eyes hoping he would come over to me.
"Hey Wise Girl why are you looking at the male reproductive organs.?"
I blushed looking down to the page I was on. "Yo-you know I need to know what they are.."
"Why are you looking at them now?"
I blushed more.
He laughed at me. Then he picked up a curl that didn't get into the bun on top of my head.
That's it! There goes my dignity. I'm pretty sure my face was calling for 911. I need to get this under control so I can tease him.
"Hey... why were you ignoring me this weekend?"
"You were trying to talk to me?" I closed my sex Ed book, smiling to myself. My pride was taking over.
"Maybe.." he smirked and leaned down to my face
"I've heard you're a jackass.." I looked over so we were inches apart.
"I am? Who says?"
"Piper and I quote, Hes an ass."
"Damn.. Pipes is my friend too. I'm guessing she told you about my record."
"Yes and that's quite the record." I caught him looking down at my lips. "Nice try Player... you're not getting me in bed just yet."
"What makes you say that?" I could feel him twirl the curl around his finger.
"Because I have to date someone before I let them see my gorgeous body.. it's a rule of my mothers that I will follow. Especially with you." I smirked. I hoped I was making it obvious enough that I wanted to date him.
"I'll pick you up at 6 tomorrow.. wear something sexy." He pulled away from me and went to go sit in his desk. His friends jumped over, congratulating him and such.
Rachel came over and sat on my desk.
"What is Percy planning?" She asked.
Even if I was still mad at her I wanted to tell her about my plan. "He's taking me out tomorrow"
"What! Why?"
"PtP Rachel.. Play the Player," I smiled at her.
"You're going to play him. But how?" Rachel stared in awe at me.
"Easy.. he already wants me in bed so he's going to have to trust and love me to get him in bed. The second he say I love you to me.. bye bye to Percy from Annabeth.
"I inspire to be you Annabeth."
"Yeah yeah.. I know."
Lunch/ Dec 7th
So... I told Piper about PtP and she's totally on board. She told me that she was going to see if her and the guy she liked can go to the concert that was happening tonight. She also told me his name. Jason. He s the blonde guy that hangs out with Percy.
She said they've been friends since elementary school. The classic best friends love. Cute.
I am actually sitting at Pipers table today. I didn't feel like sitting at the 'loser' table alone today. Rachel went to sit with the art people. Katie sat with the nature freaks. Silena was sitting over her with me. Nico was nowhere to be seen. The blonde boy from the other day that Nico declared as Will was obviously worried. Nico wasn't at school today. Honestly I was a little worried too.
I also met Reyna. She was with Percy and Jason in Mr. Apollos class. Percy dragged me to meet his friends. I guess things weren't official yet because he just introduced me as Malcolm's sister.
Tomorrow I need to pull some moves.
I'll continue this later.
I shoved my diary into my bag and saw Piper bouncing over to me.
"You have no idea how happy this make me feel that your not embarrassed to be with me."
"Of course not... you don't care that I just moved here and was part of the 'losers'." I gave her a big smile.
"Do I get a kiss for not caring?" Percy asked sitting beside me.
"No you get the wrath of my brother after he hears your ass is taking his baby sister out on a date. And wants to get in her pants," I smirked at him.
"Shit.. I forgot completely about your brother. He's going to kill me in practice today."
Jason burst out in laughter, "you are so dead bro."
"Shut it! You will to if you don't ask~"
"Bro! Shut up about that."
I looked at Piper across the table. Her eyes showed that she was sad. I reached across the table and held her hand. Instantly, she looked up and smiled. Her happy face coming back up.
I let go of her hand and looked at Jason. "So Jason.. Piper has something to ask you."
"What! N~"
"What's up Pipes?"
She blushed red. "Oh... I was wondering if you would like to go to the concert with me? My date ditched me last minute and I have two tickets."
I facepalmed.
"O-oh... yeah.. sure." He sounded a little disappointed. If it would make it to obvious I would slap him right then and there.
Piper stood, "no.. you don't have to.. I know you want to go with Reyna."
"Piper," I warned.
"What?" He asked standing up also.  "Piper you're my best friend!"
"Exactly! And I will alway be your best friend. Nothing more nothing less." Her face was sad and droopy. I looked at Jason. His face was confused and tense. "Here have my tickets I don't want to go. Take Reyna. You obviously would much rather be with her than me."
"Piper don't say that. You are literally all I have left of my childhood. I can't lose you like I lost Leo."
"Leo left us because he felt unwanted by us. You weren't the only one who lost Leo. Stop acting so selfish. Leo was my best friend too."
"No I don't want to hear it. I tried to make my feelings noticed. You're to obsessed with that neighbor of yours to ever notice me anymore, much less my feeling toward you. When I let my feeling out there, you act like you don't want to go! And you had to bring up Leo! You know I'm still upset about that! Leo was like a little brother to me.."
"Piper?" I went to stand to grab her hand but Percy pulled me down onto my seat again.
Piper wiped her eyes. "I-I use to think I coul-could be in love with you Jason.. But now I'm positive I'm not. Thanks Annabeth for making me realize what an idiot I am." With that she ran out of the lunch room.
"She likes me?" Jason stared at the spot where Piper stood moments ago.
I rolled my eyes, "what I had no idea."
Jason narrowed his eyes at me. "Alright 'Wise Girl' enough with the sarcasm."
"Yo.. Don't call her that," Percy punched him in the arm. I smiled slightly. Something inside me warmed. 
"Where the hell did she get the idea that I like Reyna?" Jason asked himself.
"Is Reyna your neighbor?" I ask him, feeling aggravated.
"Well she says thats all you two talk about now! You know when a guy talks about a girl a lot.. Us girls think he likes her!"
I slammed my lunch as I stood. "If you like a girl don't talk about other girls around her. Word of advice."
Home/Dec. 7th
Nothing else happened the rest of the day. Percy offered to take me home in his car seeing as the boys had a later practice. I said yes. We really didn't talk about anything. He gave me his phone number before I got out of the car.
I also didn't eat that night. I went straight to bed and started to write in here.
Well I guess that means I'm going to bed. Today wasn't a good day. Hopefully tommorow will be better.
                 ~Annabeth Chase. 17. December 7th.
Note from senior Annabeth.
I remember this day clearly. One of the worst days of my life. I saw Piper cry for the first time. Even if I will see her cry more it still stings when I remember the first time. Also one of the biggest mistake I made was that day. PtP.. god I hate that plan.

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