The Interview

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Justin Russo:

"The Wizard competition is about to begin in just a few minutes. And I, Justin Russo, will do anything necessary, to win. I can't let my reckless sister, Alex, defeat me. She'll use her powers for her own selfish needs! And my brother, Max, would never have a chance against me! He's not very good when it comes to magic or school. Especially, when compared to me. In my family, I'm the smartest and probably the best at Magic. My parents, and my Vampire girlfriend Juliet knows that I'm going to win."

Alex Russo:

"My brother Justin may be smart and good at magic, but, he doesn't take any risks. He's always playing it safe. Even if it means having to slow down a very important mission, like to save the entire world from an asteroid. Long story. He is a real stick in the mud. I can't let him win. Justin would just use his powers for useless stuff, like helping needy people. What a Lame-O! And, Max? Well, let's just say that he has a 5% chance of winning. My Werewolf boyfriend, Mason, believes that I can win the Wizard Competition. He's even waving a big sign, that have the words: 'I believe in you, Alex!' Why can't everyone else be like that?"

Max Russo:

"Hi I'm Max. I can totally be the next family wizard, if Justin and Alex weren't born! I can't beat them! I can barely make a guinea pig transform into a dove without messing up! Uh, that's all I have prepared. Bye!"

Jerry Russo:

"My wife and I are rooting for Justin, but no one is cheering for Max, so we're like, 'Let's just cheer on Max.' and at the end of the competition, when Justin wins, we will congratulate Justin, and tell Max, that it's okay. Not that we don't think the others won't win, but if you've taught them magic, you'd understand."

Theresa Russo:

"My husband and I love all our kids equally. But we all know who's going to win. I mean, Justin has practiced his magic ever since he learned his very first spell. Does Alex practice? NO! And Max is usually clueless. So who could blame us for cheering for our most skilled child?"

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