1st Round

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The first round of the Wizard Competition has just begun. Professor Crumbs explained to them what they are going to do in the first round.

"In the first round, you are going to go through the maze we've set up. You can only use your wands and spells. No cheating. I'm looking at you Alex." Joked Professor Crumbs.

"HEY! Oh, actually you might want to keep an eye on me." Alex chuckled.

"Let us begin the first round." Said Professor Crumbs. "On Your Marks! Get Set! Go!" And on that signal, they ran off into some white smoke and disappeared. On the TV screen that was hooked up to the wall, showed what was happening. Justin had a great start. He found his way through a part of the maze. But he had a lot of twist and turns he needed to finish, to win the first round. While Justin was walking around and blasting a few walls, Alex was trying to remember how the spell that let them go through walls went. Go Through Mo-through? That's it! Alex thought. She casted the spell on her. Now she was able to go through walls. This is so easy! I'm awesome! Alex complimented herself. She was already about half way through the maze, when the spell wore off. Ugh! I'm almost done this Stupid maze and it decides to wear off now! Alex was very frustrated. And she was too lazy to repeat the spell. You know, maybe I'll just run and BLAST some walls and stuff. Ugh, now I have to run! I hate this competition! So after a long time of thinking, Alex decided to run and destroy her competition.

"Ready or not, Justin, here I come!" Alex yelled. So while the three Russo children raced to the finish line, Mason and Juliet were arguing about who will win the first round.

"Juliet, Justin doesn't stand a chance. I mean seriously, Justin takes his time. And Alex just does it." Mason explained in his British accent.

"That's why Justin would win! Alex is probably going to do something reckless. And Professor Crumbs would probably disqualify her. And he'd never do that to Justin! Case closed." Mason began to get angry.

"Case Un-Closed. Justin won't win. The only person he can win against is Max. And apparently, the only thing he can win, is you! I don't understand why I fell for you in the first place!" Mason had brought up that unforgettable memory for the both of them. After that, things became quite awkward. Then, Mason broke the silence when he yelled "Come on, Alex! Just a few feet left! You can still beat Justin! I know you can! Woohoo!" And with that persuasion, Alex had beaten Justin by a small number of steps. "Ha! In your face!" Alex bragged. Professor Crumbs looked very surprised. He went up to Alex and congratulated her.

"Well done everyone! We'll start the 2nd round in a few minutes, so get ready." Professor Crumbs warned them.

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