2nd Round

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The second round was about to begin.

"In the 2nd round, you three will answer these questions I have prepared for you. I will tell you what happens if you cast this spell, and you have to tele how the spell goes. Each point is worth 150 points. Whoever has the most points at the end of these rounds, win. If you think that you know the answer, press the red buzzer." Professor Crumbs explained. "Now, everyone, please go to a podium. Everyone ready?" The three siblings nodded in agreement. "Good. First spell. To be able to walk through solid items."

BUZZZ!Alex buzzed."Go through Mo-Through." She replied.

"Correct. Next spell. The ability to duplicate any object."

BUZZZ! Alex Buzzed in. "Edgebono Utoosis" he answered.

"Correct. Next spell. To shut someone up."

BUZZZ! Max press the buzzer."Oh, sorry I found a bug, and I tried to catch it." Everyone sighed.

BUZZZ! Justin buzzed in. "Zippitus-yer-Trapatus"

"Correct. Next spell. The ability to return pictures that was previously brought to life."

BUZZZ! Justin pressed the button right away. "Pictures of faces, return to your places"

"Correct. Last spell. The ability to have one's ear transform into a bat ear with super hearing."

BUZZZ! Justin buzzed in, once again. "Some people are a gem, some people are a rat, to know who's who, give me the ear of a bat."

"Correct! The winner of the second round is: Justin Russo!" The Russo Parents and Juliet were cheering. The final score was: 0, 300 and 450. "Good job, everyone! Now, while you celebrate, you must prepare. The 3rd round includes Running, Spells of the Four different elements and most things Physical. Good Luck!" Professor Crumbs informed.

Alex groaned.

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