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I woke up and quickly did my morning routine I just wanted to leave this house


My hair was still wet from the shower so I put it up on a bun I went downstairs and my aunt was no where to be seen I walked to the counter and saw a note

Hey Brianne, I am at work so if you want you can cook it go out. I left money in the cookie jar that looks like a pineapple. Use the money I'll be back by dinner xoxo, Aunt Emma

I looked around and found the jar it was so cute and small I opened the jar and saw a red ribbon wrapped around bills I raised an eyebrow and pulled the roll of bills out I pulled a string and the bills just scattered around the counter I picked them up and started counting

"Twenty, forty, sixty, one hundred and ten, one hundred and sixty and six hundred" I said

Wow she left six hundred dollars I closed the jar and placed it back in the counter I grabbed the bills and put them in my full black Vera Bradley lanyard that was around my neck. How will I tell my aunt about the community service? I ran upstairs and walked towards my room I jogged to my closet and changed I wore a bra/top with leather jeans, I put my black boots on and wore a jean jacket I put my Gucci belt and I let my jean jacket slide off one shoulder I grabbed a white Versace bag and walked out the door I really didn't want to talk to anyone especially Ethan nor Grayson I got on my truck and looked at myself in the mirror e hair was in a plain ponytail so I didn't mind I drove to Panera Bread and decided to eat in there. I got off and ordered I walked over to a booth and sat there I saw that a girl kept on looking over to me I tried to be nice and give her a toothy smile she walked over to me and sat across from me

"Hi" she said

'Why is she sitting with you' the devil on my right shoulder said

'You must make new friends' the angel on my left shoulder said


"Hey, what's your name?" I asked

"I'm Sarah Paul" she says

"I'm Brianne Moretti" I said

"I really like your sense of style" she says

"Thank you" I laughed

"Are you wanting to come with me to the mall after here?" She asks

"Yeah" I said

"You aren't from here are you?" She asked

"Nope, I'm from Florida, my parents sent me here to live with my aunt" I said

"You don't look as if you're from here" she says

"I'll take that as a compliment" I giggled

The lady came and handed is our food and walked away

"I was deciding on Panera or Red Lobster" she said while taking a sip out of her drink

"Oh well I'm vegetarian, so you wouldn't find me there" I laughed

"That must suck" she laughed

"I actually don't mind, I got used to it" I said

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