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The book has ended but here is an important message

Suicide- Suicide is not a joke or should it be talked out as if it was. If you're having any problems know that there are people out there that care about you and love you even if they don't show it. If you're feeling depressed or something don't bother to text me through here and I will somehow help you out, I'm here to help people out not just throw fan-fictions. My life has not been easy, every life has it's up and downs but it should be ended we're all human.
Don't commit suicide.

Changes- don't change for someone else or because of someone now as you can see in this book ethan changed for his ex girlfriend called talia. Don't change for anyone, if someone tells you that they only like girls a certain way don't hesitate to drop them. Do it they're not making you a better person they're wanting to control your life and they shouldn't only you can change yourself now if you're going to change do it for yourself not for anyone else.
Don't change for someone else.

Feelings- Feelings are important. Don't hurt someone else's feelings just because you are having problems of your own. Don't take your anger out on someone else now if you need to talk to someone talk to me just send me a message I will reply I promise you.
Don't hurt others feelings.

Bye- This is the end of the book now as you can see it is called community service because that's what they were suppose to do. Now I know that I said bye but really I'm not saying bye think of it as a see you later since I still am writing two other books. I have already finished one and I'm now writing the second book so go check it out of you'd like.
This is not a good-bye.

Message me I will reply

I love you

People love you

You are loved remember that

I love you and I will love you forever


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