One more thing

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I'd like to tell you guys something. to my bestest friends and my sweettarts(Rei) so make sure she knows.

Here's my list.

Ayla: you were my bestest friend and very amazing, i wish i was able to last here more.

Rei: Sweettarts... don't be sad. I promise ill talk to you again, wait for me ok?

Kya: your one of my bestest Pokemon/ssb friends and i couldnt ask for more 

Marisa: you are very sweet to me ever since we met, and Eve too.

Andi cant type more... i may get introuble by a teacher. but heres a picture of me. most of you probably forgot my face *chuckles* here you go. me in school

fyi i did get my nails done XD

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fyi i did get my nails done XD..

ok ok.. im not gonna cry... im not gonna cry...*sniffs and cries loudly* im so sorry i didnt make it!!

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