Happy early birthday admin!!

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(there's two days left but i am may or may not be on tomorrow because i have a lot of tests on that day, if you have a letter, oneshot or drawing for me as a gift, make sure you tag me and i will see it on monday, thank you so much)

*laughs* i dont think i like tres leches... its too squishy.

Venus: *slams the table* i dont even know you anymore!!

All: *laughs*

Vixel: well admin, dont you want to say something to anyone?

Oh yeah! *clears throat* its a long paragraph but. it like to thank everyone who was with me ever since i first came here. i didnt think i would be enough to be in this but i have created many people, friends, family and loved ones. i am very happy to be happy. I have known most of you for three years, and i am so happy i get to celebrate my sweet 16 with all of you and smile once again. 

Vixel, Blixel, Redxel, Shadxel, and grixel: *sniffing*

Mercury: great job mom you got them to cry.

Oh hush you!

All: *laughs*

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