Darien : I

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I settled at the usual table, waiting for Mercy. Brant was already there, chowing down on fries.

"Heyyyy!!!" Mercy called, sliding into their seat, their new friend in tow behind them. Sierra, I think it was.

"Who the hell is this?" Brant asked through his fries. I wrinkled my nose, laughing as I leaned away from him.

"I'm Sierra Fish," the girl said, doing that weird head-bob thing that she did with me.

"That slightly sounds like 'See! There a fish!'," Brant said. Mercy leaned over the table to slap his shoulder, making him jolt back with a whine.


"Asshole," Mercy snorted, rolling their eyes and starting to eat their apple sauce.

"So, Sierra," I started leaning forwards like a James Bond villain. Mercy raised an eyebrow, like they were telling me not to scare Sierra off. If Mercy hadn't done that yet, I doubted I would. "How do you like hanging out with my significant other?"

"Uh... She's pretty cool," Sierra shrugged. Mercy made a choking sound, their face turning red.

"I'll excuse you just this once, but I am not a she. I am not a he. I am a they, them, and anything that falls into that category," Mercy said in her scarily calm voice.

"Does that mean you identify as an apple?" Brant asked, a devilish smile on his face.

"AN APPLE IS AN 'IT', BRANCH!" Mercy threw all of their apple related food products at Brant. So basically, everything on their tray.

Brant let out a squeal that sounded like a pig banging a cat and ducked under the table. Mercy let out a shriek as he grabbed their leg and yanked them down with him.

"Hey, they're mine!" I protested, sliding under the table and pulling Mercy up. After about fifteen minutes of struggling, Brant was in the nurse's office because he had been stabbed in the eye with a straw, Mercy was back in their seat, and I had about three bruises from trying to keep Mercy on my lap. I'm surprised Sierra hasn't left yet, seeing as she looked like she wanted to run far away. Or maybe she did LSD while we were all fighting, because her eyes were the size of dinner plates.

"Wait, Mercy, if you don't know what you identify as, does that mean you're omnigender?" I asked.

"What?" Mercy looked confused.

"Wait, does omingender mean you eat all genders?" I wondered, and Mercy's face turned into, 'don't you freaking dare, Darien', and I continued because I'm a terrible person and really idiotic.

"What about herbigenders?" I said slyly. "Are the vegetarians with no genders?"

"Darien," Mercy warned.

"And carnigenders? What do they do?" I asked, laughing. Mercy slammed her head into the table, crying and muttering something about how I should burn in Heck for my sins.

"Well someone's on their period," a passerby said. I started praying for them, because they would probably need the 'mercy' of God.

Truly, Mercy's name should be destruction, or murder, or war. Maybe ruthless. Or cruel. That about sums Mercy up. Yep. That should be their name.

Mercy lept up from the table and tackled the person who made the rude comment. A few teachers came over to intervene with the fight, and Mercy was taken to the principle's office. I didn't really know why it happened now, and not earlier when she nearly stabbed Brant's eye out, but whatever. Okay. Leave me alone with the creepy girl.

"Soooooo," I said, trying to start a conversation, "where are you from?" Sierra jumped, a bit startled.

"Oh, uh... Mexico," she said it like she wasn't sure of the answer. "I mean, in technicality. I'm not FROM from Mexico, but, you know, around that area..."

"Well... someone's socially awkward," I said. I then realized it was slightly rude and wanted to take it back, but Sierra had already started talking.

"W-well, I wouldn't put it like that, I mean I've only really interacted with my family and we're not a social group, not really," she took a breath, her cheeks going red. "...Sorry."

"Wow, okay, well, hey, Brant's coming back! Brant get over here!" Sierra's awkwardness started to make the atmosphere awkward which made me feel awkward and it's just one, big, awkward spiral.

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