Brant : I

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Sierra was cool. Not as cool as me, but cool. And hey, a friend of Mercy's is... an acquaintance of mine.

She was weird, though. Not Mercy weird, but weird. I still can't believe they stabbed my eye with a straw... that hurt like a bitch. Anyways, whenever Sierra was asked about her life or where she came from, she would start stuttering and making excuses.

Huh. Mercy did that too. Oh, fuck me! I can't handle another fucking Mercy! One's already too much!

I asked Mercy about it later, though, and they just shrugged and said that they figured Sierra didn't have family. That couldn't be it, though; Darien said that she had talked about her family like they were alive.

"Darien's fucking stupid," Mercy said when I told her this. "You should've heard the fucking jokes he was making. He made me fucking cry. Not out of laughter or anger. Just plain cry."

"Time to Sherlock Holmes this bitch," I said, then tapped Mercy's forehead. "You can be Watson."

"No, because I ship Johnlock, and I'm with Darien and-"

"I'm much better than Darien," I joked.


"Fine, Jesus. Be Lestrade," I replied.

"I'll be Mycroft, asshole," Mercy threw something at me.

"You're so violent! Maybe you should be Moriarty!" I shouted, running down the hall. They fucking lunged at me, bringing us both down, and that was the end of Brant. RIP Brant Never, 2001-2017.

"Fine, I give up, you can be Mycroft," I wheezed, crawling out from under the beast.

"Thank you, asshole," Mercy smiled, getting up and running to their next class. Sadly, Darien and I were in that class. Well, not sadly for Darien, because he sees Mercy as a fucking angel, but MERCY'S A FUCKING DEMON!

I got up, brushed all the dirt and dust off my jeans and walked to class. I took my usual spot behind Mercy and Darien, noticing that Sierra had sat next to Darien, and Mercy was at my table. Mercy was muttering things in a language I assumed was Scots Gaelic, looking at the back of Sierra's head like they could send bullets through it. I think they were performing an incantation, because right after, Darien spilled his water and Sierra fucking jumped out of her chair and ran down the hall, leaving her seat open for Mercy to fucking leap over the Goddamned table into where Sierra was previously sitting. If I was sitting there, I would have run too, but probably for different reasons than Sierra.

"You performed another incantation, didn't you?" Darien asked Mercy.

"Yes. Yes I did," Mercy answered, with a completely fucking straight face. They leaned onto Darien, making it known that now, Sierra wasn't getting her spot back. A few minutes later, Sierra came back, and looked to where she was previously sitting.

"Mercy, I was, uhh, sitting there," she said.

"Cool," Mercy said, in a sickly sweet voice. "Now you're sitting next to Brant. Don't worry, he won't bite."

"Unless you want me to," I smirked.

"BRANCH!" Mercy shouted. I giggled. Do boys giggle? Whatever. Sierra decided that she didn't want fight Mercy, and sat down next to me.

"Hi," she said. Wow. #r00d. She pulled out this seagull feather (at least I think it was a seagull feather) and started to draw with it. Like, ink was coming out of the tip.

"ARE YOU MAGIC?!" I gasped, making Sierra jump.

"Uh... no?" she looked confused.

"You're an idiot," Mercy laughed, turning around. "That's a feather pen. A pen designed to look and feel like a feather, but it's a pen. Stupid hoe."

"Bitch," I grunted, but smiled. Hey, Mercy may be a demon, but she's entertaining.

"Jerk," she replied.


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