Chapter 1

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Sometimes I wish I could go on adventures. I would brandish a sword and ride a mighty dragon all throughout the countryside. My legend would spread far and wide. People of all sorts would see me and say:" hey isn't that..."

"Lady Melinda! How great it is to see you up and about again!" An annoying voice pulled me out of my silly daydreams. I turned to see the person I hated most twiddling his poofy hat in his thumbs while leering at me.

"Hello, Lord Delcasto." I answered as properly as I could. My gut always churned when this pervert showed up. Samuel Delcasto was a well known noble whose parents boasted deep pockets. He threw his name around easily, quite used to getting what he wanted all the time. Today, it was obvious that he only wanted to get into my skirts. I always wondered at how my parents couldn't see the gross perversion behind his sickly sweet facade. He often tried to get me alone, no doubt with questionable intentions, but so far I've eluded his grasp.

"What are you doing here, my lord? I thought you were headed home today." I tried to hint my displeasure at his cornering me alone in the barn. My father kept his best dragons here and I liked the smoky smell they let off. Samuel grinned cheerily and took a step closer. "Your father himself insisted I stay at least one more day before I left. "He let his eyes roam hungrily over my form as he finished. "I couldn't pass up the opportunity for one more hearty meal with my favorite family in town."

With that, Samuel stalked toward me, the creepy look on his face telling me that he had been turned down one too many times during his stay.

Gallant, my father's own Soul-steed, was gone at practice with my siblings an my father. Usually he would have stood up and scared away this jerk, but since he wasn't here, I ran to the next best dragon. Her name was Saphira, and she was just a normal dragon who couldn't speak or change shape like the gifted Soul-steed dragons could. However, she was brooding, and dragons are always in a terrible temper when they are protecting something precious to them.

I ran to Saphira, and slipped behind her. The large blue beast was so used to me hanging around that it didn't bother her at all when I jumped in and disturbed her rest. What did make her angry was the stranger who had the galls to enter her private brooding nest in pursuit of her friend.

Saphira growled dangerously, cerulean eyes glittering as she flicked a glance towards me and back at the intruder. With a great heave, she lifted off of her eggs enough to roar at the scrawny noble brat. Samuel flinched back but didn't move, and with one last spark filled burp of annoyance, Saphira made her annoyance known. The horny rat barely made it away with his powdered wig intact.

I giggled crazily while Saphira huffed above me, and then I hugged her.

"Thanks girl. You really saved me this time. " I took her bony head in my hands and rubbed my forehead to hers. If dragons could smile, I swear that she was trying to do just that.

After a little more lazying around in her stall, and checking on the eight pearly multicolored eggs, I headed back to the house.

That's when I saw Gallant perched outside under a tree alongside my two brother's steeds, Strife and Sahara.

As soon as I opened the door I was greeted by my father. His grey eyes were glaring from beneath two bushy grey brows. I instantly knew I was in trouble.

"What happened Melinda? I just witnessed a very angry Lord Delcasto grab his things and leave from MY house."

I frowned. "he started it! He was harassing me and I hid behind Saphira. That's all that happened. I swear!"

He seemed to bristle angrily at that. "Don't you dare lie to me young lady! His clothes were still smoking as he stormed out to his carriage!"

For a few moments we both stood there, an accusation hanging in the air menacingly, but finally his shoulders slumped. With a great sigh, he stepped to the door behind me and bolted it.

These Souls Entwined (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now