Chapter 3

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I drifted in and out of consciousness many times. Each time I felt as if someone pulled me back into my deep sleep and held me captive there. The place I was in had no light. I fumbled blindly through the dark, fear crowding in on me at every few steps. Desperation shot through my body, and I broke into a tireless run in one direction.

After about an hour of this, I gave up and crouched on the dark floor, crying. I didn't know where I was or how I got here. Most of my memories of the incident before were a little foggy. As I tried to sort out my memories, a voice spoke to me through the dark.

"Do not be sorrowful, my dear Lady Melinda. I am here. We can work this out together." the soft lilting voice crooned at me. As it spoke again, a warmth settled over me.

"If you wish it, I can help you get revenge on those cowards. I will be your instrument in the war..."

I wiped my tears, trying to see whoever it was that spoke to me in the dark. They had to be close by, because they sounded to be whispering in my ear.

"What...War?" I asked. "Who are you?"

The voice stayed silent, as if they had left in boredom. Then suddenly cracks rapidly spread through out the darkness, letting light seep in.


I woke to morning light. my back was killing me, and I stretched out as the fog over my mind lifted.

All of a sudden my hand hit something scaly and cold. The smell of death wafted around me and I sat up slowly, remembering everything.

I had slept curled underneath one of Saphira's cold, metallic wings. Her eggs lay all over in shattered remains of eggshell and colorful flesh. I gagged.

With shaking hands I lifted myself and saw a scene that would horrify me for the rest of my life.

Dragon remains where everywhere, and a portion of the stables had burnt to a crisp along with a couple guards' bodies. Gabe, my younger brother, lay face up with his dragon, Strife resting upon his body. They looked so peaceful, and then I realized that Strife was still alive. His breathing was shallow, but he was still technically alive.

As I started to lift myself over the body of my dear friend, a rustling sounded. Fear struck me, and I turned.

But instead of another guard ready to kill me, I saw a single solitary egg that must have somehow been knocked out of reach of the carnage. It rattled softly, seeming to grow weaker. My violet eyes widened, taking in the last of Saphira's brood. This was it.

My purpose.

Slowly I reached out and wrapped my hands around the surprisingly cold opalescent egg. Only a sliver of warmth was left, and I knew that I I didn't get the child out and warmed up soon, it would die. I tapped it on the ground fearfully, trying not to hurt the chick that was inside.

Nothing happened. Not even a scratch on the surface. I took a breath and hit it harder. Again nothing happened. the egg hadn't shaken in a while and I grew desperate. Throwing my back into it, I slammed the egg down on the ground. God. Damn. Nothing.

My patience ran out and I looked around and screamed. I felt helpless and stupid. how in the world was I going to get revenge if I couldn't save just one chick???

I threw the egg at a wall and it bounced off with ease. "HOW THE HELL DID SAPHIRA MANAGE TO BREAK THESE???" I shouted angrily.

Then I saw her tail.


Her scales were just as hard as a diamond vest. That sharp spike that she had been using before her death was the most beautifully strong thing I'd seen in a while.

I grabbed the egg and tenderly tapped it on Saphira's tail spike.


I gasped as the shell gave way easily to her spike, an before the baby got impaled, I lifted it back off and began peeling the outer layer away. A gorgeous blue snout peeked through, having already broken the embryo sack.

In an instant, I knew I had found my once in a lifetime partner.

My Soul Steed.

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