Chapters 1 and 2

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Chapter 1


After arriving at Las Vegas International Airport, after a very long flight from the UK, I was looking forward to getting to the hotel, dumping my stuff and heading to the bar for a much needed cocktail!  The last few months had been absolute hell - trouble at work, the divorce being finalised only yesterday, your so called friends siding with your now ex-husband and the overall feeling of ‘I NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE’ always being in my mind.

Arriving at The Cosmopolitan (I had really only chosen it after seeing footage of Bruno Mars playing there at NYE 2013) I walked straight up to the reception and smiled brightly as the young (and rather good looking) receptionist.  Out of the corner of my eye I caught a flash glimpse of someone who was the spitting image of Bruno… ‘No! don’t be stupid Chloe’ I told myself…  

After checking in and finding out that I had actually been upgraded to one of the suites on the top floor, I dragged my case up, got into the room and gasped - this room was HUGE!! after walking around I decided to go onto the balcony to take in the view… I opened the balcony doors and the sounds of music from the next room drifted over - someone was singing an acoustic version of Locked out of Heaven… well at least I was next to someone with good music tastes…  Suddenly the balcony next door opened and out walked Phillip Smeezington Lawrence talking on his cell phone, closely followed by Kameron Whalum, Phredley Brown and Eric Hernandez… I literally froze… did that mean that it was actually BRUNO singing before?! Kameron looked over smiled and I smiled back and almost literally ran back into my room… this trip just turned very interesting… now if only I could calm down enough to freshen up and walk down to the bar...

Chapter 2


About an hour later I was sitting down in the bar with (ironically) a Cosmopolitan cocktail sitting in front of me.  I was perhaps a little dressed up but hey, if Bruno really was here and I managed the impossible and met him I wanted to look good… he was single again after all!  Suddenly I heard a deep voice behind me say ‘hey it’s the girl from next door…’ I turned round and Kameron was there smiling at me again… ‘Hi’ I said, hoping there wasn’t too much of a squeak in my voice…'I'm Kameron…' … 'oh I know who you are - I saw you guys at the O2 arena last year' I said with a smile, glad my voice had found normality again. 'ah a British girl…. I love that accent…Mind if I join you while I wait for the guys - they take so long to get ready I got bored’ - ‘by all means, would be nice to talk to someone as I don’t know anyone here…’ - ‘aren’t you here with anyone?’ - ‘unfortunately no… and the reason why is a very long story’ - ‘well knowing the guys, I have some time…’ he said…

After chatting and laughing for around half an hour and another cocktail being passed my way (and thankfully avoiding the subject of why I was here alone) the rest of the Hooligans walked over, but Bruno was nowhere in sight… Kameron introduced me to Phil and Phredley as the others went to grab a table… ‘hey why don’t you join us?’ Phil asked… ‘oh I don’t wanna get in the way of a boys night’ I said cheekily… perhaps a little bolder by the cocktails I had already drank… ‘please you’d be saving me from this lot…’ Phil said with his trademark cheeky grin… ‘erm… ok….’ I said walking over with them.  As soon as the others saw me approaching they started giving Kameron some small jibes about not wasting any time picking up chicks… ‘this is Chloe, she’s in the room next to us… she’s here on her own and so thought it might be nice if she came over and sat with us for a while…’ Phil said… immediately shutting them up…

Suddenly a smiling voice came from being me ‘I see we have a new addition to the band…’ I knew exactly who it was - the one person I had been DYING to meet since I heard his first song.  I dare not turn round as I knew I would be fangirling the second I saw him… ‘yeah man this is Chloe, I just met her about an hour ago… she’s staying in the room next to us’ Kameron explained… ‘well Chloe it’s great to meet you but I’m afraid I am going to have to drag the guys away as we have to go to a meeting with Brandon and Ari like now…’ - ‘oh no problems.. great to meet you’ I said, giving my best smile and trying to keep the disappointment from my voice… the Hooligans said bye and I was once again left alone… I knew 2 things… the smile on my face wasn’t going any time soon and I needed to go for a walk to have a think about the last few months (although it was unlikely I’d think of anything other than Bruno…)

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