Chapter 42

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Chloe’s POV

So we had finally landed in Hawaii and I have to say my breath was well and truly taken away.  Even from landing and seeing it all from up above to now walking off the plane, getting greeted by some Hula girls and having a brightly coloured lei put around my neck – it was already so perfect.  Bruno was being the perfect gentleman and carrying my bag for me whilst holding onto my hand tightly. We got through security to baggage reclaim and before we went through to arrivals we donned our sunglasses, caps and took a deep breath. The flashes and questions started before we ever took a step forward and whilst Dre went ahead with our bags, we followed closely behind, posing for a few pictures here and there for fans and some journalists that Bruno recognised and ‘trusted’.

Back out at the car that had pulled up for us to get in I got in first, Bruno second after a final wave to the crowd and we were finally on vacation – in Hawaii – on our way to meet Bruno’s family.  I suddenly felt sick to my stomach with nerves.

Bruno: “Are you OK sweetheart? You’ve gone very pale and look a bit nauseous”

Chloe: “I’m fine” I squeaked

Bruno: “Sweetheart you aint fooling anyone – talk to me”

Chloe: “I’m just very nervous to meet your family baby – what if they don’t like me?”

Bruno: “Why wouldn’t they love you? They know how happy you make me and they know that everything with Jessica and your ex is their fault not yours – if anything they wouldn’t stop bugging me telling me to take care of you!”

Chloe: “Really?” I said my heart slowing a little, the colour coming back to my cheeks.

Bruno: “Really baby” he said kissing me gently.

I settled back into Bruno’s arms and just watched the backdrop of Hawaii speed past – it just seemed like absolute paradise and I cannot believe we are here for like 2 whole weeks! I seriously have the best boyfriend in the world.

After about an hour driving around with Bruno pointing out his old childhood haunts, old places he used to work and perform we pulled up outside this gorgeous beachfront house which I recognised from some pictures on Twitter – his Uncle’s house.  No sooner had we got out the car then his uncle, aunts and cousins all came flying out the door engulfing us both in a huge group hug.  I laughed feeling instantly at home, I really had been silly worrying about this – they were just so welcoming! Dragging us both into the house to choruses of “Mahalo!” – “Welcome” – “This is also your home” – “Bruno she’s GORGEOUS!” – “Bruno how did you manage to land this girl? Punching above your weight son!” which made me laugh.  I saw Bruno’s grandmother sat in the chair in the corner and Bruno went straight over to her:

Bruno: “Mama, so good to see you – Love you and sorry it’s been so long”

Mama: “Bruno my boy it’s so good to see you! and who have you brought with you?”

Bruno: “This is my girlfriend Chloe Mama, Chloe come here sweetheart and meet the kindest woman in the world”

Mama: “Don’t tell fibs Bruno – now Chloe come here so I can give you a hug – and call me Mama OK?”

Chloe: “Mama it’s such an honour to meet you and thank you for having me here”

Mama: “Don’t you be silly my girl, it’s great to meet the person who makes my little Bruno so happy. Bruno you better look after this girl, you hear me?”

Bruno: “Of course Mama, of course!”

Bruno kissed her on the cheek and she waved us off to go and tuck into the BBQ food that was waiting for us outside – the kids all ran forward first making us laugh.  We sat in the garden, music playing in the background eating and drinking for the next few hours until it started to go dark.

Chloe: “Bruno?” I asked, my head on his shoulder while we were sitting on a swinging yard chair for 2 people”

Bruno: “Yeah gorgeous”

Chloe: “Thank you for bringing me here – is Eric and his family coming?”

Bruno: “He is gorgeous but not for a day or so and it’s just him and Liam as Cindiah can’t travel with Mila being due any time soon.”

Chloe: *yawning widely* “Ok sweetie”

Bruno: “Come on lets get you to bed, you look tired”

Chloe: *yawning again* “I’m fine but OK if you insist!”

We said goodnight to everyone and Bruno showed us to our room for the next 2 weeks. He said he’d be back up shortly but wanted to go chat to his Uncles for a bit longer. I fell asleep pretty quickly listening to the gentle crash of the waves and the wind in the palm trees – the view of the ocean just visible out of our window.

Bruno’s POV

After leaving Chloe to go to sleep I took it as the perfect opportunity to go downstairs and finalise plans for the proposal. Luckily I hadn’t been searched coming over here so the ring hadn’t been found and I had sneakily taken it from my bag when I came back downstairs.

Bruno’s Uncle: “So Kiddo – proposing huh?”

Bruno: “Shhhhhhh! Chloe’s upstairs with the window open!”

Bruno’s Uncle: “Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!” *continuing in a hushed voice* “So what’s the plan?”

Bruno: “Well I wanna take her up to that little cliff face with the mini waterfall nearby and propose to her there.  The band is coming out in a few days with my sisters and Eric and Liam and they are all being a part of it. I’m getting Eric and Liam to distract her for a bit during the day until I can do it all at sunset.”

Bruno’s Uncle: “Wow, lucky girl!”

Bruno: “I’m the lucky one”

Bruno’s Uncle: “Well whatever we can do, just let us know OK?”

Bruno: “Thanks Uncle, you guys are the best I just wish I could come back here more often ya know?”

Bruno’s Uncle: “You have other commitments Bruno; just remember we will always be here for you”

Bruno: “I know that – right I’m off to bed – big day at the beach planned for tomorrow!”

Bruno’s Uncle: “Sleep well son”

I went upstairs to find Chloe fast sleep in bed, a small smile on her face, her hair fanned out around her like a halo. I smiled and sighed contentedly, stripped off to my boxers and got into bed next to her holding her close. She stirred slightly, snuggling close to me before turning over so her head was on my chest and her arm over my stomach. “Love you princess” I whispered as I kissed the top of her head. “Love you to Bruno” she mumbled. I fell asleep feeling the happiest I had in a very long time.  Hopefully in 5 days time I’d be saying ‘I love you my fiancé’ – that would just make this whole trip perfect.

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