Chapter 20

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What on earth did Bruno just say?  Did he just ask me to go to LA with him, effectively LIVE with him and start a full relationship with him?  My brain couldn’t process what he was saying.  I had said goodbye to him, fought back the tears, resigned myself to the fact that we had had fun, but that was what it was and now he says this… I looked up and saw Phil in the background smiling… Suddenly I knew what to say… ‘Bruno…. I…’ – he looked at me hopefully, silently pleading with me to say yes… ‘I don’t know what to say… I really wasn’t expecting this at all…’ – ‘just say yes Chloe, please, just give us a chance and if it doesn’t work then you can go any time you want.  I’ve fallen for you, and fallen hard… just give me a chance to make you happy’. – ‘Bruno… I… yes! Ok then let’s see where we can go!’ I was about to jump into his arms when the cab driver honked his horn at us and asked if I was going or not because he was losing money standing around.  Bruno said no he wasn’t needed, gave him some money for his inconvenience and helped me get my case back out the trunk.  Carrying my case for me and putting his free arm round me we walked towards Phil who was clapping and smiling – ‘Finally some happiness!’ he said.  I couldn’t agree more…


I couldn’t stop smiling!  And I couldn’t wait to tell the guys and especially Eric as we were very close as brothers.  This was such a whirlwind but I was determined to make this work.  We were leaving that evening but taking the tour bus back to LA… seemed silly to fly that short a distance.  As we walked in with Phil, Eric was walking down to the reception, seeing us he smiled and walked over – ‘I thought you were going Miss Chloe’ he said smiling at her – ‘I was, but apparently your brother had other ideas on the matter!’ she said laughing.  ‘Just treat him right missy’ he said also laughing – he was always being the protective older brother - something that I was always very thankful for.

A bit later we were sitting back in the bar, all our cases and junk sat in the luggage room after we had checked out.  By this time we had told the rest of the band and I had called Ari to tell him so he wasn’t too surprised!  I was sat at the end of the booth with Chloe on my knee; she was talking to Kameron about something to do with music and what it’s like in the studio when Brandon came over telling us the tour bus was here… I couldn’t wait to show Chloe, she’d never seen inside one before and she was going to love it.  The drive would probably take about 3 to 4 hours – I wonder what we could get up to in that time?!


The tour bus had arrived and all our bags (it’s amazing how much men can actually pack when they go away – I mean I thought I was bad!) were waiting for us out the front.  Suddenly this massive black coach with blacked out windows was in front of me… I couldn’t move I was so shocked at the sheer size of it!  ‘Just wait till you see the inside’ Bruno said with a wink as he guided me up the steps and inside… ‘First let’s show you where I sleep’ he smiled… ‘Bit keen aren’t we?! There’s plenty of time for that seeing as I’m staying with you for the foreseeable future’ – ‘you have such a filthy mind Chlo!  I just wanted to show you where you can sleep if you get tired!’ – ‘yeah yeah whatever Bru…’ I said, taking my hand he showed me the guided tour included a room at the back of the bus with decks set up in it and areas to sit, play guitar and write songs.  There were some bunks on the way through where the guys could crash as well as a mini dining area.  All in all very nice and posh… the bathroom was tiny but had a small shower and the essentials so you couldn’t complain!  The guys then came on the bus after loading the gear into the undercarriage of the coach.  ‘Bruno you always skimp out on loading the bus man!’ said Phredley, the rest of the Hooligans quickly followed suit with their own little digs.  I laughed, apologising and blaming myself as I had wanted to see the bus… ‘don’t stick up for the brother Chlo – he always does this’ said Phil giving me a hug – and quietly saying in my ear ‘I’ve not seen him this happy in a while, thanks’.  I suddenly felt a little bit emotional but held it together.  Suddenly Dwayne Dugger came on board with some take away pizzas and beers – where he got them from I don’t know but I was starving so wasn’t complaining.  For the next hour we all sat and ate, talked, laughed.  The guys gave me a bit of heckling for being outnumbered as the only girl on the coach.  Apparently Jessica never came on – she turned her nose up at the idea of staying on a bus… After a while people started drifting off to nab an hour or so sleep before we arrived back in LA.  Me and Bruno were cuddled up in a seating area when I shivered… he gave me his hooded jumper and I drifted off to sleep myself.  Some time later we arrived in LA and I awoke to Bruno telling me we had to get in the car back to his.  When we arrived at his gated house i gasped – I mean they just don’t make houses like this in the UK… ‘Let me give you the guided tour of my home, and now yours for as long as you want it to be…’ he said, opening my car door for me.

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