Chapter 25

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So we are in the club, chilling out and having such a laugh and we don’t even realise what time it is until the lights come on and the music stops… looking at my watch I said ‘Bruno baby it’s like 4am! what time do you need to be at the studio tomorrow?’ - ‘like 10 or 11 - no pressure it’s just working on some Super Bowl stuff for next month - you are coming with me aren’t you? Oh and WE are going to the studio tomorrow remember!’ - ‘Ok baby but can we go home now?  If you want me to sing something tomorrow I’d rather not have a voice like I smoke 60 a day - which will happen if I don’t get some shut eye’. - ‘sure babe, let’s go out the back way though to avoid anyone seeing us…’ - Grabbing my hand Bruno took me through his well known behind the scenes route out.  Walking out into the fresh air it suddenly hit me how drunk I was… stumbling I fell into Bruno. ‘Whoa gorgeous! easy now! if you wanted me to carry you you just had to say’ he said with a cheeky grin, himself pretty drunk as well.  He tried to pick me up but we both ended up falling over as he wasn’t exactly stead on his feet… laughing like a couple of school kids we got up and started the walk to hail a cab… it didn’t take long and before long we were home… I don’t remember going upstairs, changing or getting into bed… what I DO remember is how much my head hurt when Bruno’s alarm went off at 9am… 4 hours after we crawled into bed….


GODDAMN why was my alarm so piercing this morning?! I shut it off as Chloe stirred and tried to snuggle closer to get away from the noise… ironically she was actually moving closer to the alarm.  She looked gorgeous - even with her hair all over the place and traces of mascara on her cheek… ‘THIS is why I don’t get drunk very often’ she said rubbing her eyes.. giving her a kiss I could feel my own head pounding louder and louder.  ’I need a shower baby’ Chloe said… ‘mind if I jump in first?’ - ‘No princess… do you want some breakfast?’ - ‘eurgh the idea of anything other than OJ or water makes my stomach turn but maybe we can pop out and grab some pancakes or something before the studio?’ - ‘good idea’ I said as she stumbled out of bed, stretched long and hard (showing off a LOT of that gorgeous body) and walked into the bathroom… I stayed in bed - unable to move and having a good old morning glory - I needed a cold shower… I could hear Chloe turn on the shower and start singing as she always did - it sounded like she was singing Maroon 5 - one more night.  After we had both showered, changed and had some OJ, we headed out to the local deli to get something to eat…both of us feeling the effects of last night I lent her my cap again and she had dark glasses on.  About an hour later we arrived at the studio, coffees in hand… walking into the studio almost all the gang were there… ‘hey guys… oooooh rough night?!’ - Ryan asked.. ‘more like great night, rough after effects’ I said… ‘what he said’ Chloe smiled… the next few hours we were talking about performing with the RHCP and what songs we should do… Chloe made some great suggestions… I could tell this was going to be a good day.


Towards the end of the day I was starting to feel human and Phil suddenly jumped up, grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the recording booth.  ’Now kid I have been told what a good singer you are… time to prove it!’ - I was so shocked I couldn’t speak… but realising this was my time to show my skills (even if I did contain them to the shower) I allowed Phil to talk me through everything,.. we decided that I should sing ‘Sweet Dreams’ by Beyonce and ‘Moonshine’ by Bruno.  I was dubious about singing his song, in front of him and the band but Phil was being pushy as hell and to be honest it was my favourite song off the album.  The music came on through the headphones… ‘Every night I rest in my bed, With hopes that maybe I’ll get a chance to see you, When I close my eyes I’m going out of my head… Lost in a fairy tale, can you hold my hands and be my guide?’ - I sang my heart out… forgetting where I was and who was listening.  Next Moonshine’s lyrics came on…I was in the zone… ‘You know you look even better than the way you did the night before, And the moment that you kissed my lips you know I start to feel wonderful, It’s something incredible, there’s sex in your chemicals, Ooh, let’s go, You’re the best way I know to escape the extraordinary, This world ain’t for you, and I know for damn sure this world ain’t for me, Lift off and say goodbye, Just let your fire set me free

Oh - Moonshine, take us to the stars tonight, Take us to that special place - That place we went the last time, the last time….’ I finished the song and walked out of the booth to 12 shocked, impressed and not sure how to react faces… ‘WHAT? Look I know I ruined and mucked up the songs… but I wasn’t prepared.. and .. well let me have anoth..’ -‘Chloe whoa babe… you were GREAT… damnit girl you should have told us you can sing!’ Kameron said.  ’Girl you sing that better than ya boy here’ said Dwayne slapping a hand on Bruno’s back… Bruno stood up and came over to me grabbing me in a bear hug… ‘you were amazing babe… honestly.. maybe we should put a demo CD together after the Bowl,.. ‘No B.. seriously don’t be daft…’ - ‘Chloe babe you are really good… just believe it…’ - ‘whatever’ I laughed… so do I get to meet the RHCP’s if I come with you to NYC for the Superbowl?!’ - we joked around for a while… it was like 2 and a half weeks till the Bowl and they guys were HYPED… Bruno also had a press conference to do a few days before… when we left we decided it was a take away and film night in Bruno’s mini cinema room… and zero alcohol this time!

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