Challenge 9: Re:Potter

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We all love the Harry Potter series of JK Rowling. It's magic and mystery call out to us, and enthrall us to it's words.

But if you read between the lines, this world's much more morbid than it first appears.

Magic can control minds, and erase memories. It can alter perceptions and change opinions. Love potions are used to pretty much rape the target against his will.

Those without magic are shunned and kicked out into the muggle world. Change is deemed evil, and all invasive ideas are squashed in the bud.

Supposedly dark and inferior sentient beings are persecuted until they can't even properly exist in society. Bribery is the only thing that gets you anywhere in politics.

And nobody blinks an eye at the abused boy who can't go through a year of school without almost getting killed, just because his forehead is being worshipped.

"This was nice as a book, but how do I bloody survive it?!"


1) Self Insert Fanfic, with you in Harry's body!

2) Dumbledore bashing!

3) Wizarding world bashing!

4) Abuse the plot, Harry!

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