Chapter 9

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I stepped into our dorm and Sam immediately stood up to meet me, a mix of worry and frustration building in her eyes, "And where the fuck have you been?!"

I winced as the sounds left her mouth, the advil I had taken at Ezra's had worn off considerably, "Sam, please. Can we not do this right now?"

"No. Now tell me what the hell happened last night."

I walked to my desk and popped three more advil before collapsing onto my bed, "Nothing... It's nothing."

"Aria, I've been calling you non-stop. Tony won't stop texting me, he's really worried."

I laughed as I thought back to Tony leaving my drunken self alone in the middle of god knows where, "Tell him I'm fine and that he can go fuck himself." I knew I was being harsh, especially since he hadn't been completely wrong with his accusations, but I had a very low tolerance when it came to feeling threatened and the fact that I was still a bit hungover didn't help my bitterness.

"Okay, now you really need to tell me what happened."

"Honestly, it's no big deal. He got too drunk and became an asshole, that's all."


"It was my fault anyways."

"I don't give a damn whose fault it was just tell me what's going on."

"We were walking, he started yelling, he punched a wall, and then he left." I said annoyed. That night was the last thing I wanted to think about.

"Okay..." she sat next to me, "I still have no idea what this is all about."

"He thinks I'm cheating on him."

"How could he ever think that?"

"I didn't see him the other day, when I was going out. I just wanted to be by myself for a bit, you know? He found out that I told you I was going to meet with him and he just assumed."

"Where did you go last night? I tried looking for you but I thought you might have gone back here."

"I'm not sure. I was wasted and we had been walking for a long time, I'd never seen that part of campus before. Once he left I just started wandering."

"That still doesn't tell me where you went."

My eyes began to feel droopy, "He found me." I said, shutting my eyes.

"Wait... what?" she leaned back, alarmed, "Who found you?" Sam asked as I allowed sleep to take over my body, much like it had the previous night. "Oh no, you are not falling asleep on me," she shook my arm slightly, "Aria are you fucking kidding me?"

I smiled as Sam's voice faded, pretending like I was safely enclosed in Ezra's arms once again.

"Do- Do you still love me?" He asked hesitantly.

In any other setting I would disregard the innapropriate question, but as my mind grew more and more tired I carefully thought of the answer. The sound coming from my mouth was barely a whisper, "I will always love you."

He hugged me tighter to his chest, "Me too, Aria. Me too."

His heart beat steadily against my back as I let myself slip into unconsciousness...

My eyes shot open right before Tony's hand crushed the wall beside me, his eyes pitch black, matching the dark hoodie he wore. I would've fallen off of the couch if Ezra's arms hadn't been there to catch me.

"Aria?" He leaned his head over my shoulder, brushing a few of the stray hairs from my face as I tried to calm my breathing.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" I whispered, still catching my breath.

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