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5SOS: Luke

You and Luke have been best friends for such a long time. You two grew up together and have shared a lot of me memories, both good and bad. He's always been there for you through everything and vise versa. You currently have a boyfriend, Lance. You've been dating for a while and you're happy with him... most of the time. Like any relationship you two have had your fair share of problems. Lance likes to party a lot and had come to your house many times either drunk or high... sometimes both which causes a lot of problems. You're not into drinking and partying so it always creates tension when Lance is drunk or high. It's Friday night and of course, Lance is out at another party. You decide to call Luke and invite him over to hang out.

"Hey Y/N" Luke says in his cute Australian accent.

"Hey do you want to come over? Lance is out at another party and I thought we could just hang out and watch a movie." You ask, hoping he's not  busy.

"I'd love to! I'll be over in 10 minutes." He says before ending the call. You get some snacks together and make some popcorn while you wait for him to get here. You hear the front door open.

"I'm in the kitchen!" You yell.

"Mmm it smells good in here!" Luke says, sitting down on one of the tall chairs at the kitchen counter.

"Why don't you go pick a movie while I finish up in here." You say, looking over your shoulder at him.

"Alright!" He says, hoping down off the chair and leaving the kitchen. You grab a bowl to put the popcorn in and you open the bags of popcorn and pour it into the bowl. You grab all the other snacks and go into the living room. You see that he set out a scary movie on the table.

"Luke, you know I don't like scary movies." You say, pouting.

"Aww come on! You'll be fine!" He says.

"Alright we'll watch it." You say, getting up to put the disc in the DVD player. You sit down next to Luke and watch the movie. As the movie goes on, Luke sees that you're scared.

"Come here, Y/N." He says lifting and arm up so you can sit closer to him. You scoot in closer and he puts his arm around you making you feel instantly safe even though it's only a movie. A while later you fall asleep.

Luke's POV:

She looks so peaceful sleeping, so calm and relaxed. I run my fingers through her soft hair. I wish this would happen more often. I wish she knew how I felt about her, but she's always too busy dealing with drama with her boyfriend to see how I really feel about her. It kills me to see her hurt all the time and to see her cry. All I want is for her to be happy, but she won't ever be truly happy with the bad boyfriend that she has. I hear the door open, but I don't get up because I don't want to disturb Y/N. I hear banging around and then I see Lance walk into the living room.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Lance yells out.

"Be quiet. You're going to wake up Y/N." I say.

Your POV:

You open my eyes to see Lance standing in the living room.

"Don't tell me to be quiet! And get off my girl!" Lance yells, clearly drunk.

You close your eyes before either of them saw that you were awake.

"She's sleeping. Just leave her alone." Luke says. You feel a strong pair of hands grab my arms, pulling you up and off of Luke.

"Oww! Lance let go, you're hurting me!" You scream.

"Let go of her!" Luke yells, jumping off the couch and pulling you from Lance's grip. He places you on the couch and when he turns back around, Lance punches Luke, knocking him out cold.

"What the hell!" You scream at Lance as you stand up. "What is your prob-" You begin to say before Lance slaps you, making a bright red mark on your face. Tears begin streaming down your face.

"Get out of my house!" You yell and Lance runs out, slamming the door behind him. You rush over to Luke and see that he's still unconscious. You go get a wet washcloth and put it on his forehead. You sit down on the floor and lift Luke's head, placing it on your lap. You run your fingers through his hair as you wait for him to wake up. An hour passes and his eyes start to flutter open.

"Luke! Are you ok?!" You ask frantically.

"Yeah I'm alright. My head just hurts." He says sitting up. "Y/N, your face! Are you alright? I feel horrible, I should have kept you safe." He starts to ramble on.

"Luke there's nothing to be sorry about. You didn't do anything wrong. You stood up for me and ended up getting hurt." You say, looking into his blue eyes.

"Let's just try and forget about this." Luke says. He stays the night to make sure Lance doesn't come back and hurt you anymore. The week goes by and Lance has apologized for what happened. It's Friday night once again and Lance convinces you to come to the party he is throwing tonight. Since he's your boyfriend you go to make him happy. When you get there, there's already a lot of people there. You know most of them from school, but no one you're close to is there. You hang out with Lance during the party, not really talking much.

"Could you show me where the bathroom is?" A slutty looking girl asks Lance. He leads the way and you watch as he stumbles around. From the amount of alcohol he's had tonight you're surprised he hasn't blacked out yet. You watch as she follows him up the stairs. Why didn't he just show her where the bathroom was downstairs, you wonder. You get up to go get a soda, on your way back to where you were before a girl bumps into you and spills her drink on you. You're soaked in beer so you go upstairs to Lance's bedroom to borrow some of his clothes. You open the door to his bedroom and you see Lance in bed with that slutty girl.

"How could you Lance?!" You scream, tears fall down your face. "We're over! I'm done with your shit!" You yell. You slam the door and run outside. Luke's house is just down the road so you drive to his house. You knock on the door and Luke answers.

"Y/N, what's wrong?! Come inside!" He says. You don't say anything you just continue to cry. He wraps his arms around you and holds you tight. When you've calmed down enough to talk, you explain what happened.

"I'm so sorry Y/N. He didn't deserve you anyways. You're way to good for him. Come with me." He says grabbing your hand and leading you to his bedroom. You sit down on his bed and he grabs his guitar. "I wrote this song for you a while ago when Lance started to treat you badly. I just couldn't ever find the right time to sing it for you." He says, as he begins playing the song. "It's called Heartbreak Girl." He tells me. I sit there and listen to him singing, "You call me up. It's like a broken record, saying that your heart hurts...." "I dedicate this song to you. The one who never sees the truth. That I can take away your hurt, heartbreak girl. Hold you tight straight through day light. I'm right here. When you gonna realize. That I'm your cure, heartbreak girl?...." "He treats you so bad and I'm so good to you it's not fair...." "I know someday it's gonna happen. And you'll finally forget the day you met him. Sometimes you're so close to your confession. I gotta get it through your head, that you belong with me instead..." He finishes the song and you sit there in awe with the words he's singing to you. You never knew this is how he felt about you.

"Wow. I love it Luke!" You say, pulling him into a hug.

"I don't want things to get awkward between us now that you know how I feel." He says, looking down at his lap. You lift his head up and stare into his beautiful blue eyes.

"It won't. You know why?" You say.

"Why?" He asks, looking into your eyes for an answer.

"Because you're right. I don't know why I didn't see it until now, but I've always been better off with you. It just took me until now to realize it." You say, smiling.

"I know that you're hurt from what happened earlier with Lance, but I promise I'll never hurt you. Would you please be my girlfriend Y/N?" He asks.

"I would love to be your girlfriend Luke!" You tell him. He cups your face in his hands and he leans in and kisses you passionately, his lips moving in sync with yours. You stay the rest of the night at his house, being happier than you've ever been before.

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