SDK: Nick Buongiovanni

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"Ugh when is this day going to be over?!" You think to yourself, as you sit impatiently waiting for the school day to be over. It's Friday and you were supposed to be hanging out with your best friend, but she had to cancel and things had just been going wrong today. Your last class of the day drags on and it seems like you've been sitting in your desk for hours listening to your teacher ramble on about who knows what. The bell rings and you quickly pack up your things and rush out of school. You really didn't like it here in New Jersey. You had to move out here five years ago because of your parents jobs and even though you made friends here you missed your ones back home. Even though some of your favorite Youtubers lived here you could never see them. Your parents would never want to drive you to go see them and your friends weren't into them. It killed you knowing how close you were to your favorite guy, Nick and not being able to meet him and get that perfect picture and be able to tweet about it for the rest of your life. You put your headphones in and start walking home. You get on Twitter while you walk to pass the time by. You zone out everything around you as you walk, just paying attention to tweeting and scrolling through your time line. Next thing you know, you're on the ground.

"What the heck?! Watch where you're going!" You yell, looing up at the tall person standing in front of you. The sun is bright and you can't see their face at first. They hold out a hand and help you up.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to knock you do-" The person begins to say.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry for how rude I was to you. It's been a bad day, but wow it's really you!" You say, covering your face with your hands, embarrased at the way you had just talked to the love of your life,  the one and only Nick Buongiovanni.

"You know who I am?" He asks, confused thinking no one would notice him over here in the neighborhood.

"Of course I do! You're Nick!" You say, smiling big. "Can I get a picture?" You ask, getting your camera on your phone ready.

"Of course!" He says. You hold up your phone and just as you're about to take the picture he kisses you on the cheek. You scream on the inside, trying not to freak out in front of him. "Well I should get going. It was so nice meeting you. Text me and we can maybe hang out sometime." He says, handing you a piece of paper with his phone number on it.

"Yeah, I'd love that!" You say, smiling like an idiot. You both go your seperate ways and you rush home to tweet about what had happened. You text Nick later that night and you two make plans to hang out tomorrow. The next day you spend time relaxing until you have to get ready. You pick a dress to wear along with flats, you curl your hair and do your makeup. You hear the doorbell ring so you grab your purse and rush to go answer the door. You see Nick standing there holding flowers, he hands them to you and you quickly go put them in a vase with water.

"You look beautiful." He says.

"Thank you." You say, blushing. You two go out to eat at a nice resturant in town then you go to the movies. After it's over he tells you there is one more place you two have to go to. He drives for a while then he pulls into the parking lot at a park. You get out and he holds your hand while you two walk around the park. He leads you to a blanket laying in the grass. You two lay down and stare up at the stars. He puts his arm around you and you snuggle in closer to him. You two enjoy the moment, not talking just looking up at the stars.

"I had an amazing time with you tonight." He says, eventually breaking the silence.

"I did too!" You say, smiling up at him.

"I want to do this again real soon and more often too." He says, looking down at you.

"I'd love that." You say, smiling even bigger. After a while you go back to the car and he takes you home. He walks you to the door, you hug him and he stares into your eyes and then leans in and kisses you.

"Goodnight." He says, as he turns to go back to his car.

"Night." You say, leaning against the door. You go inside and you collapse on the ground. You just sit there and think about everything that happened earlier and what had just happened. You go up to your room and get ready to go to sleep. You lay in bed still thinking about the tonight, you go to sleep smiling, the happiest girl in the world.

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