The New Girl feels powerfull...

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One day this girl was walking down the hall at school, by the lockers as she was holding a piece of paper 📝 she had brown eyes like chocolate cake and beach sun blonde hair with strikes of princess pink that where straight.
As she was looking around as she realised that a guy walks up to her, he hand blonde beach kinda hair with a hint of brown strikes filliped to the side with timed brown eyes. He smiles and asked.  
"Hey their, are you lost?"
As he smiled as she was standing wiredly...
"Uh n-no, I mean yes I am I!"
As she let out a sight nerves and laughed a bit at the end with an awkward smile.
"Oh okay let's see!"
As he said casually while grabbing her paper with all of her classes on it.
"Ah! You're in luck you have some classes with me, but all day today!"
As he happily smiled.
"Aha thanks!"
As she laughed.
"Oh btw I never caught you're name?"
As he smiled.
"Oh my name is Alli"
As she said kindly with hint if insincere.
"Oh well my name is Adstin!"
He smiled, Alli was about too say something but never. Adstin looked at her with a cringe. The school bell went as everyone started walking around to get to their classes.
"Oh come on let's go!"
Adstin said and walking off, Alli quickly followed so she didn't doge into the crowd of what was school. They went isn't this class room it was big Alli looked around,obviously she was new. She sat down with Adstin at the first seat.
"Hey miss!! This is Alli, she's new!"
As he smiled the teacher smiles back.
"Well Alli welcome to Ameri Prep!.. I'm Miss Marshmallow!"
She said very confident as Alli smiled nervously as you would be new to new school is a little harsh knowing everything's new.
It's lunch time! Alli followed Adstin. He seemed capable you know knowing where to go, who to talk to.
"Wow you don't talk much do you?"
He asked.
"No! Well not much at new school,."
As she looked down.
"Hey it's okay! Shake off those nerves."
Adstin smiled  while patting her on the side of her arm as Alli nodded in agreement.
"Okay where do you wanna sit?"
Alli asked a bit more confident.
"Let's sit here!"
Adstin siad he sat down and grabbed a tray from the bar then grabbed Alli arm to sit down.
"Lunch! Oh this looks sooo good!"
Alli said while smiling then she looked up at Adstin and went serious.
"What is it?"
She said smiling.
"Hahah no one knows!"
He studed a bit.
"What! What do you mean no one knows?"
Alli asked frustrated then she calmed a bit at the end of her sentence.
"It's like.. it's like when you eat food when you're blindfolded you don't necessarily know what you ate.... but let's just say at the end it comes out 20 pounds lighter.."
Adstin said sheepishly.
"Oh elk!"
As Alli looked at it she moved it around after awhile then she ate it.
Alli said as Adstin looked at her like what why would you eat that.
"Oh it!"
As she spat it out back on her tray.
"OMG! It's moving!"
As she jumped out of her seat, in fear.
"Wow hey! Don't be afraid it normally does that!"
He smiled, as she crossed her arms.
Class time-
"Ohh I don't get this, this is way too hard"
Alli backed an her seat.
"What! Well tell me the parts ya don't get and I can help you with it"
Adstin said considerablely.
"Oh I don't get part 1, part 2, part 3 part 4 and part 5!"
She said smiling.
"Uh that's the whole sheet?"
As he asked.
"Yes exactly!"
Alli smiled sheepishly.
Adstin jumped back out of his seat a bit with sock, miss Marshmallow came over that time.
"No talking now get to work!"
As she instukted.
"I don't understand this?"
Alli said confessed.
"Oh what? This is like grade 1 work!"
She stated.
"Oh well where I'm from we don't do numbers.."
Alli said less confident and also studed a bit.
"Oh okay."
She siad as she went to continue but the bell rung. As they walked to the cafeteria on scilence.
"What do you mean by you don't do numbers?"
He asked randomly yet, hart-felted.
"I just I didn't understand it."
She looked down as spoken silence silently.
"What? Where did you go to?"
He asked.
"Look this is none of you're business! I will tell you what minding you're own business as soon as I talk to you agian!"
As Alli yelled and slemed her plate and walked off.
As Alli was at her looker she looked.
"What the-"
She spoke silently to herself, she noticed a blue and pink light coming out of her hands. As she went to grab her history book, it went away quickly. She cringed as she tried agian and it floated. She stood back and gasped.
"Oh my god!"
As she shocked in kind if a melody she touched it and it feel in the ground.
"Okay.. wait a sec"
As she smiled sheepishly, she put her hand out and it floated.
"Ohhhh my!"
She started smiling sheepishly again.
"I-I have powers"
As she looked at her hands in shock.
Alli was sitting on her bed in her room playing with her pillow as It lifted and she laughed and someone knocked on her window as she jumped and the pillow fell. She got up and opened the window, it was Adstin.
"Oh it's you what do you want?"
Alli asked.
"I want to talk!"
He got in Allis room as Allli sighed.
"I just wanted to say I'm sorry about before.. I butted in and I'm sorry that's you're business and you're past! I'm sorry"
As he apologised as Alli looked up and slowly smiled and hugged him and she realised and she let go.
"So where friends again?"
"Ah! Yes!"
She said perky.
"Look now that where friends again, I have to show you something"
Alli grabbed her book and gave it to Adstin.
"Uh a book no defence but I can read a book?"
He siad smiling at her.
"What? No! Wacth!"
As she made him held It gently she held her hand out and it went up.
"Wow h-how did you do that?"
He asked.
"I have powers!! I found them yesterday"
As she squiled.
"Omg you have powers!"
"I know!"
As they both laughed.
"So what else can ya do?"
He asked.
"I can do this!"
She said proudly, she walked over to the window and water pored out of her hands.
"See I have water powers and telekinesis!"
As she smiled sheepishly.
"Cool! But how did you get them?"
Adstin asked.
"I-I don't know they just.. came!"
Alli stated Alli and Austin both smiled sheepishly at each other.

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