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          The music box sat in the woods on a patch of dirt surrounded by tall grass. The box was covered in blood, and had a gold template. Engraved on the golden template was one word that stood for many things…Sei.  The music box was opened playing a sweet chilling song. A woman stood next to the box. The women hovered over the ground just above the grass. She looked as if she was death its self…and she was.  The women’s hair looked black as night and skin as pale as snow. Carved on her neck was the word Shi. Blood ran down her neck and ran off the tips of her nails dripping on the blood reddened box. Behind the women were many tombstones…none with names, dates, or any type of engraved writings. In all there were five stones. Each tombstone having a hole in front of it and an empty casket inside, and each casket having a different engraved word.  The five words were Ai, Chi, Ka, Kaze, and Mizu.

     Suddenly, the women’s eyes opened in an instant revealing her pure black eyes. She took the blood on her hand and wiped it over them. The blood washed into her eyes making them look as if they had color. She slowly landed back down on the ground. “I see… It is time…” The women emotionlessly stated. She walked along a stone path until she came upon a large creek. The women removed her clothing and stepped into the water. Without a slight reaction she walked deeper and deeper into the water until she was fully submerged. Almost as if she was never there she vanished leaving the only traces of herself on the blood soaked music box that sat in the woods and her torn up dress next to the large creek stained in a faint red. 

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