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Since our arrival a couple days ago it has rained again and again so that we haven’t had the possibility to explore the village. So far we’ve only visited a corner shop close by and bought basic foodstuffs. On our way there we passed a park with a playground and a lake. The sun has finally fought it’s way through the heavy grey clouds and even though it’s still chilly outside Ava needs to get out of the house. And me too. With a book and some bread for possible ducks in my purse,  slightly thicker jackets over our shoulders and beanies on our heads we finally leave the house and directly run into Anne, who is pulling her front door closed behind her.

"Oh, hello to you two“, she greets friendly as soon as she spots us.

"Hello Anne. How are you today?“, I ask and stop at her gate. Ava waves shyly at her and is pleased when Anne returns the gesture.

"I’m quite excellent. I’m on my way into the village to run some errands before my son is coming home later. This boy can eat“, she says and I don’t miss the twinkle in her eyes as she speaks of her son. You can see how her whole face lights up and that she is excited about her son's return.

"Oh, you have a son?", I ask surprised. So far I've only met her husband.

"A son and a daughter", she answers and looks at me curious and somehow surprised. Should I've known this?

"Gemma arrived a couple of days ago. You two didn't meet yet? I think you would get along just fine. Maybe you'd like to come over some day during this week then I can introduce you", she rambles. With any other person I probably would have been surprised by the sudden invitation but not so with Anne. Even with the few conversations we've had it isn't hard to see that Anne is a helpful and hearted woman. I might be wrong but that's the feeling I've got.

"Thank you, that's very kind of you. But I really don't want to intrude", I finally say.

"Nonsense. I would love to talk longer but I really got to go. I see you later", she says and smiles apologetic.

"Later, Anne." Ava waves again before we continue our walk to the park.

Only a few people are here. A couple parents letting their kids use the playground, an older man reading a newspaper on one of the benches, some teenagers loafing around the damp meadow and an occasional jogger or cyclist.

While Ava plays with another small girl in the sand pit, I take a seat on a bench nearby and read. Over and over again my eyes wander to Ava to make sure she is alright. Seeing her interact reticent yet so carefree with another child warms my heart. I'm afraid of the day when our constant moving will be to much for her and she'll start to keep to herself. I really hope that this village will provide the anonymity we need and will enable us to stay. For her.                                                                      
"Is this seat taken?", I hear a female voice ask. Without looking up from the book, I take my purse from the bench and slide a little to the right to make room for her just finishing the paragraph before I finally look up. The first thing I notice is her light purple hair and then her friendly smile. And as I take in her face I can't help the feeling that I've seen her somewhere before as well.

"Thank you."   

"You're welcome", I state and look to the sand pit. However when I see that Ava isn't on her spot any longer panic washes over me. Just for a short second as I spot her soon running to me but it was long enough to have my heart beating frantically in my chest. Relieved I let out a breath I didn't notice I was holding. The skirt of her dress wafts around her scrawny tights-clad legs as she makes her way through the greening grass.

"Mommy, me swing?", she asks when she is only a couple metres away. Her angelic, high-pitched voice calms me instantly. I check if I can see the swing set from my position.

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