Chapter Two

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I am sitting on the principal's office opposite a very angry principal West and next to a very amused Alex.
Which kind of makes the principal angrier if that is even possible.

That boy is just crazy

"Miller care to explain why on earth would you carry with you gums in here even though it is forbitten?"asks principal West angrily.

"Well you see sir it is my absolutely favorite edible thing so I always carry them with me because I don't use it to pull pranks unlike others" I replied casually

I really don't see the big deal here .I mean come on it is just gums not freaking guns.

Ohh they must be complicated about the difference between them  I get it now

Gums- Guns

That must be it
Or else they are just plain insane

"So you are telling me that you have been carrying those things with you all year?!"he has turned shades of red I diddn't know existed.
I really am asking for it

"I guess..I really don't see the problem here since I was using them wisely" I said pointing the obvious.

Alex birsted into fits of laughter clutching his stomach at what I  had done and I glared at him.After all he is the reason I am at this situation right now.

"YOU DONT SEE THE PROBLEM?! I'LL SHOW YOU THE PROBLEM!" he literally yelled at me.

He paused and we waited for him to continue.

"YOU ARE SUSPENDED FOR TWO DAYS INSTEAD OF ONE "he yelled once again.His shouting so loud probably the whole school as heard him.

"That's crazy ! All I did was bring a freaking gum Geez kill me "I said to him before realizing what I had actually said.

Alex laughed again at my reaction and if looks could kill he would be a dead man.

"TURNER DON'T THINK YOU GOT AWAY YOU ARE SUSPENDED TOO" his yelling never ending"Oh and I'm calling your parents"said with an evil experssion on his face.

Well he doesn't know what he is getting himself into

"First your father Alex"he said deadly serious.I wonder what his parents are like.They probably let him off especially for something like this.

"Yeah like he is going to answer or give a fuck" Alex said with what seemed anger but his eyes was full of sadness.
"Language Turner"replied pr.West.

After about two trys Alex's dad answered the phone and principal put it on speaker.

"Who is this?"a man answered coldly on the other line.
Pr.West looked taken aback at his cold tone but continued."I am principal West and I am calling to inform you that your son Alex has been suspened for two days-"

But he was cut off "Yeah yeah he must have deserved it anyway so now this is over I have to get back to work so if it is possible don't disturb me again because of the 'accomplishments' of my son" he said even more coldy and bitterly than before if that's even possible.

I really felt bad for secretely kind of hating Alex now.I realise he must have his own problems back home and that's why he is acting this way.

Hell I would be acting like this too if I were him

From the corner of my eye I saw him clutching hist fist so hard they had turned white.Thankfully the principal didn't comment anything.

"Now your mother Miller " he said typing the numbers in phone.

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