Secrets of Riverdale

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So before I start let me say some other things. I assume you know the story of how the golden boy of Riverdale got killed, if not look it up because this is my side of that story. Hi I am Violet McHyland a fourteen year old girl. I have been living in an orphan ever since I am four years old. Before that I lived happily with my parents , Logan and Emily McHyland, and my older brother Jason (19). On the night of June 9th 2006 Jason woke me up around 22:00. He picked me up,  filled a bag with clothes of mine and run out of the house. I asked him where we were going and he told me that he would explain it once we were safe. The next thing I can remember is us waking up in an orphan. After one year Jason was adopted by the Blossom family.

If you are wondering why I am telling you this well it is almost a year ago that he was murderd. But I didn't and still don't belief that my brother is dead.. something inside me tells me that he is still alive. So I am to find him. It does not matter how long it takes. Right now I am going to our sibling spot in the forest. "Jason......Jason are you here?!" I screamed. After half an hour of walking in forest someone came behind me and pulled me away. I wanted to scream but this person put his hand over my mouth and whispered "Shhh.. Calm down Violet, don't scream." After a couple of minutes the person stopped and the man came in front of me. It was..... JASON!!!!!!!!! I was right he was still alive. Tears formend in my eyes. "Jason, why do you act like you're dead? Why aren't you with your fiancée and twins?" I asked. "As for your first question my adopted father, Clifford Blossom, want me to deal drugs and take over his drug deal business, just like our real dad. But I didn't want to. That is also why he 'killed' me. The answer of your second question is it would be too suspicious if I went back to Polly and run away together. So Polly doesn't even know I am alive, you are the only one who knows. But now a question for you could you go to the Cooper's and tell Polly to go to the farm? Which our original plan was. Just tell there is a surprise there for her. The surprise is me but don't tell her that please." he said. "Of course big brother and I understand." I said Later at the Cooper's Polly's younger sister opened the door. "Hello miss Cooper, could I talk to your sister?" I asked. "Of course," she answered "Polly!!!"."Yess?"another voice asked. ""There is someone at the door for you!!" Polly's younger sister screamed again. After 2 minutes I saw Polly coming to the door. What can I help you with she asked me after her younger sister went. "Well someone who we are both very close too, told me to tell you. That you and your twins have to go the farm you and you late fiancé bought. Because there is a surprise for you." I said. Polly and the twins immediately went to the farm. That was three months ago now. Polly and Jason are now secretly married and officially known as Mr. & Mrs. McHyland. They changed the twins surnames from Blossom to McHyland. I life with them as well. I am saying this from the bottom of my heart but I know Jason is the happiest he has ever been. Xoxo Violet McHyland

I had to right this for one of my subjects and in someway it made me hope Jason was still alive and not murderd

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