Chapter 14

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Camille’s POV

My frosted paws kick up dust as I let my wolf take control, leading me zipping in and out of the trees of Austin’s land. After a while, I find myself parallel to a little creak and spot my iridescent reflection through the ripples of water. My snowy coat mirrors the moonlight shining down. I let out a little purring noise of contentment. Austin and haven’t ever been as close as we’ve gotten over the last couple of weeks. I love living here with him and his pack. Though I have yet to meet everyone, I am slowly coming into my own and finding my place.

I navigate my way over to field of wildflowers I found a few days ago on a run with Austin on the far end of the territory. Just thinking about Austin and that night we found this place together, I know if I were human now, I’d be blushing.

A twig snaps to my right and I snap my head towards it, flicking my ears back, tensing ready for anything. At least I thought I was ready for anything until a giant brown wolf leaps from the darkness.

I’m late ducking out of the way and it takes me to the ground. My instincts kick in and I roll out of the way of its teeth, quickly righting myself. This time I’m ready when it comes at me a second time.

We collide mid air and I taste its metallic blood as my teeth scrap its shoulder. A fierce growl rips through it, and slices the silence of the night. I use my lightness on my feet to move out of the way again before it has a chance to do any significant damage, but it seems determined to get a hold on me. Its eyes are tinted red. Rouge. I quickly glance around the field looking for the easiest escape route. I’m fast. One of the fastest wolves I know. Maybe I can outrun it. I know the lands pretty well by now.

Before I have a chance to make a run for it, I find myself flat on my back, crushed by the weight of the beast on top of me. Clearly by its size he’s a male, and his scent isn’t familiar but has that rotten touch of rouge. I meet his eyes and see pure rage. I know this is going to be the end, but I’m not gonna lay here and take this. I tense up my body ready to kick him off. Using all of my energy I can muster from underneath him, I press all four paws, claws drawn, up and into him.

He flies off of me and lands a sizable distance away. Whoa. Even I didn’t think I had that in me.

Its then I see the huge charcoal wolf growling fiercely at him tensed to pounce, his body shielding mine from the filthy rouge.


I’m quick to recover from my tumble, shaking out my coat, adrenaline pumping through me. Austin and the rouge circle each other growling ready to go at each others throats, but Austin makes sure to keep himself between the rouge and I at all times.

Suddenly the wind gets knocked out of me as I’m hit from the side. I let out a whimper as I fall to the ground again, my ribs screaming in agony. I lock eyes with Austin for a panicked second before looking up at the second rouge to pin me down tonight.

I twist my head side to side keeping my neck away from the snapping jaws of the beast, and angrily swipe my claws across its face. He growls and lunges in once more. I dodge and take a swipe at his other side. Finally he jumps off and I take a second to look over and see Austin’s made quick work of the other one.

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