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words are a window.

they allow thoughts that cannot be spoken aloud to become something physical. thoughts that haunt us, make us happy, cause us to cry. thoughts that are dangerous, for good and bad reasons. thoughts that otherwise would sit hidden in a locked chest in your heart. 

words are the key. they click open the chest and allow those thoughts to bleed out and release into your brain. words can paint pictures of hardship or love, pain or beauty.

words are all that some of us have.

some use words on paper because there is no one to hear them in person. some thoughts are too difficult to speak out loud, and words keep them secret. thoughts can eat away at one's brain; words offer sweet release.

this is a collection of words, strung together to have a special meaning. some happy, some sad. some serious, others comical. these words poured out from my brain onto paper, and flourished.

writing has often saved my life, and hopefully these words can do the same for you.


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