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Niall's Pov

Me and Celia said our goodbyes after I made sure she was safe and rested at home. I knew Zayn saw something or someone so I did my best to stay safe until then. I lay awake in bed being unable to sleep from all the worry. Was Celia okay?...Was Zayn?

Hearing a loud thud from the back porch I flicked on my lamp lighting up the whole room. Tip toeing down the creaky stairs I opened the glass door leading to the yard. It was chilly and quiet. The moon was full glowing shadows through the clouds.

A large hand wrapped around my arm sending my body to the frost bitten grass. Tumbling I rolled until my body finally collided the wooden fence. I stood up quickly with a pain in my side, no one was around. "Who are you!" I yelled snapping my head in every direction once hearing the slightest sound.

My breathing increased as a dark stranger made his way toward me. I imagined myself running, jumping over the fence, hiding until he was gone. But I couldn't move, my feet stayed still. All I could do was watch as he inched closer.


Celia's Pov

Arriving back in New York I climbed out of the sloppy dented taxi paying the cab driver a little over twenty dollars. Slinging my bag over my shoulder I trudged up the stairs to the university dorm. I already missed Niall and my family. I got to spend a few hours with them before leaving. My brother had scored a girlfriend and bragged entirely about it while we sat and enjoyed dinner.

My mother was proud, until she saw the mystery woman covered in tattoos and makeup. I just laughed silently while they argued. At one moment I thought about speaking up to say "maybe she's a nice girl" but I thought it'd be better not to. I reached my floor. A note attached by tape was on my door in clean handwriting.

"Meet me in my classroom. -Shiloh"

I figured it was odd for many reasons, how did he know when I would be back, what did he need? What was so important? But I trusted Shiloh. I trusted him for being human and knowing nothing about vampires because whenever they were around something bad happened and someone got hurt. At least with Shiloh I felt human, I mean I still was after all. Shouldn't most humans feel human?

But Somehow I didn't. Everything changed the moment immortally faced me dead in the eyes. When fanged teeth pierced my skin and consumed my blood. When powers so unspeakable so indescribable went against me. When people I loved got hurt.

People I loved...that made me think. Not just about one person. About a lot. I don't know what I was sitting in the hallway thinking about life situations, but I was too deep in thought to go back. I loved my family, my caring mother who was alone now, my brother who wasn't.

My friends, Niall, who was happy all the time, laughing and joking around, but was it an act? It sure seemed like one. Once he found out about Zayn I ruined his normal life. I wish I could it all back, but I can't. All I wish, is for Niall to stay human. He wants that, he deserves that.

Zayn, who was really the only person who stuck with me through all of this. I wonder if he followed me back to New York. I hoped he hadn't, not for selfish reasons but selfless. Zayn's family was close until the day he changed. He stayed away because I knew he didn't want to hurt them. So he shut them off along with any act of kindness.

But I knew Zayn better than that. He was strong he could handle it. Sooner or later they would find out something was wrong. Years would go by, Zayn couldn't ignore them very much longer. Either he spend time with them for as long as he can, or say goodbye for forever.

And Harry. Who hadn't spoken or acknowledged me for days. I missed the way he would hold me in his arms and nudge his face into my hair. He made me feel safe and warm, even though his cold skin would press softly against mine. I missed the way his large hands would lace within mine like they were made just for me and squeeze tighter when he sensed danger.

I missed the way his lips felt against mine. So soft and full which made me melt and my stomach fill with butterflies every time. My heart would race and I knew he could hear it because he would silently chuckle to only kiss me harder. Did he feel the same way? In those moments I believed it. But he could have called, told me goodnight. Reminded me that I was beautiful like he had always done.

A warm tear rested in the corner of my eye my throat lumping with soreness. No, I would not cry. He was looking for Elliot and soon he would find him and kill him, and find me and kiss me. Until then I would just have to stay strong holding on to every last ounce of hope I had left. I regained my composure guiding my feet along the empty corridor.

I reached the class room opening the doors to see Shiloh chained to a desk, tape covering his mouth. Once he saw me his eyes widened filling with fear. His screams muffled in more of a hum. I ran across the room tugging on the chains. He shook his head as if he was telling me not to help him. "I wouldn't do that" a voice hissed from behind. I turned around, my eyes meeting the familiar class mate "Heaven?"


I just keep leaving you guys with

cliffhangers ;)

Sorry it's been a while, excuses are lame but aye you know how things go with school.

Comment what you think will happen:)

Remember Zayn compelled Celia that Harry never went with Elliot so that part might be kinda confusing. Don't ever feel to obligated to not ask questions, ill try to answer them the best I can as long as they don't spoil future chapters

Seeing divergent Saturday Ansel's mah babe

Haha alright bye for now guys:)

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