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I am so sorry I haven't updated in so long, probably no one reads this anymore......It was the end of the quarter and you know how crazy things get. Please forgive me guys:( Don't hate me. Btw I saw divergent twice already and fragging Ansel and Theo are perf-

Using all efforts to remove the heavy chains hung around Shiloh's body had failed me. I wasn't strong enough and whoever put them there was. In a split second Heaven appeared beside me, I flinched by the sudden quick movement which only meant one thing. "Like I said" she coaxed "I wouldn't do that" "You're a vampire" I breathed, my eyes flashing between Shiloh and Heaven's. "And you're a human" Her fist balled around a clump of my hair making a moaning scream escape my lips as she sent my body clashing into the main projector taking place at the front of the classroom. 

I coughed up blood that had oozed out of a small pit in my mouth. My jaw had hit something, my teeth had bitten down. My hand fumbled with the edge of a mahogany table once...twice...the third time finally managing to grasp it and lift my self up. "I was a human" Heaven shrugged as she carefully made her way down the aisle of desks, creating a clear pathway directly to me.

 "Elliot made a deal to change me if I did him right" a loud burst of a snorting laugh choked in her throat. "You know what I had to do just to get what I wanted? I had to join a pointless collage just to keep eyes on your ignorant self. I had to receive reports and confide them with Elliot about everything you did or planned on doing. Do you know how, how sick I got of you?"

Elliot's strong build had looked so small sinking in the gray desk. I knew it was getting hard to breath after the tape still was set covering his mouth. His heaving shoulders and sweating forehead obvious signs.  "Please if your going to hurt him don't-hurt...hurt me instead"

I never wanted anyone getting hurt, it was my last intention. Shiloh was innocent, he had done nothing to die, or be tortured for that matter. Her head rolled back, along her blonde hair twisted in locks as she chuckled, the sound echoing off the walls. "You really think this is all about you don't you? Well it won't be soon" 

"Let him go" I warned stepping closer. "Why would I do that when he's all the fun?" "There's no point in him being here" "but, hes motivation" "motivation for what?" "For dying" My brow furrowed as confusion blurred my head. Motivation for dying? What was that suppose to mean? "In a few minutes I get to kill you and from the looks of it, no one is here to save you" Anger thrived in my blood as my face ran red "You're wrong. Harry will come"

"Will he? Go ahead shout his name, call him, oh wait! I'll call him, I''m sure him and Elliot are off somewhere" "He's not will Elliot" she smirked for a second raising her eyebrow in amusement at my disagreement. She clicked a button as a voice ran through the speaker. Not Harry, but his. "Heaven how are things my dear?" "I need to speak to Harry" "Will do"

Small motions passed through the phone and I prayed the line would cut ,but then my stomach grew sick. I knew that voice. "What is it? Did you do it? Is she dead?" In that moment everything faded, the room had become a black nothingness, the voices became an empty void. My heart vanished from my chest and a burning scabbed at my throat. No remorse or kindness, he asked almost too confidently. Harry didn't love me. He wanted me dead.

"Its time" Heaven hinted harshly ripping Shiloh's hand towards my mouth just after two puncture holes bled. A humming worry left his throat, failing to leave his mouth. "Drink or I'll kill him" I lightly nipped at the skin in the smallest inkling not to hurt him. I guzzled down the redness, gagging, but forcing myself to choke down the metal liquid. I had never liked blood even in an effort to save someone was nothing more than a struggle. 

'I'm sorry" I mouthed to him before Heaven's arms pushed me towards the front of the room. "Hmm should I make this slow, and painful or easy, harmless and fast?" "Quickly, please just get it over with?" "Option one then?" Of course Heaven would go against anything I believed in or wanted. She hated me. And right now I hated myself for somehow making Harry hate me.

But I wouldn't give up, I had other things to fight for. A fist collided onto my face making my legs wobble weakly. My body barreled to the ground as my hands sprawled out hovering just above my head to show protection. Her feet met my stomach over and over as if a music tape stuck on repeat. I wanted to throw up feeling as if my insides were acid. First one hand, then two elevated me upwards by the neck, slamming my head against the wall, choking me. I did my best to fight back, swinging and kicking my legs. It was worthless against a vampire considering such state I was in. 

Then a loud pitch frequency invaded my ears and my head felt fuzzy. My vision doubled as I looked at Heaven's face. She was smiling evilly pressing her hands tighter and tighter around my throat. I felt like gagging again which was impracticably hard, because my breath was begging to cut off. I was running out of oxygen...out of life. Blood ran into my head as my resistance grew weak. My legs past the breaking point, my arms numb and feeling-less. My nose and mouth paused in resorting air to my lungs. My eyes lull and bare. 

Just then the door flung open to reveal a breathless Zayn. "Stop!" His voice cracked as he shouted. Tears ran down his face, His eyes red and raw. Once he saw me he broke, he dropped to his knees sobbing uncontrollably. Did he think I was dead? Did I look that ill? Heaven removed her hands vanishing rapidly. My body collapsed onto the floor as I struggled to move. I felt paralyzed. 

Zayn lingered above my body, bending down to let his shaky hands move strands of hair away from my face. "Ce, you-you can't-" I wanted to cry with him and hold him. Let him know someway I was alright. But I couldn't do anything. I was partially stuck within a state of the unknown....Maybe I was dying. He forcefully laid his hands upon my chest and pressed to draw air back into my lungs. His mouth trembled against mine blowing hard and cold air into my mouth. Back and forth he continued to repeat these steps. Finally a gasp eluded my lips and his eyes widened. 

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