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2 updates within 2 days?! Par-Tay!

My eyes wandered over to where Shiloh sat. Zayn must have noticed, because he took no time in compelling him to forget everything and leave. Seconds later our eyes met each other blankly. We did nothing, just starred. Just gazing, lost. Unsure of what to do or say.

"I thought I wouldn't make it in time" He sighed running his heads through his now flat windblown messy hair. "you knew she was trying to kill me?"

I asked, my voice coming out quiet and small, just above a whisper, but I knew Zayn could hear me. Sitting upward a sharp pain stung my neck. I rubbed my hands over the tender spot that was already bruising.

"You need my blood" "no" I interjected quickly shaking my head at a fast pace which made me wince, regretting I even thought twice about doing the gesture.

"Celia, you almost died. You're heart stopped-I couldn't hear it." "I'm fine. I'll heal at a slower pace, but eventually...I'll heal" Zayn expression looked pained, his mouth twitched as his left eye closed slightly more than the right.

"How did you know...how did you know that-" "It's all the sequel to Elliot's 'game plan'. He made me choose-" Zayn turned his head sharply away taking his body along with it.

I stumbled upwards resting a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, It's okay" Zayn seemed calmed by my touch and relaxed his shoulders. "You or Niall, that was the choice."

"What?" "You die, or him" "H-he's dead?" "Not completely. They planned to turn one of you and-" "you saved me" I finished for him instantly feeling guilty and light headed. We didn't speak for a while. Everything sunk in even though it didn't seem realistically real.

"I'm sorry Celia, I know you don't deserve any of this, I" Zayn's eyes were still watering, his chin shook and his cheeks were flushed pink. "you have to help him" I nodded biting my lip. "You need to teach him how to live like you"

"It doesn't work like that Ce. Not all vampires react to blood the same, you know what it does to Harry.." An ache priced through my heart at the mention of his name but I ignored it briefly.

I had more important things to worry about than heart break, even though it was killing me inside. I would be okay, I kept reminding my brain. If only it wasn't a lie. I knew that once I was alone. I wouldn't be unstably human.

"You have to try-" he fit his long hands under my jaw, his brown eyes pleating into mine "I know Ce, I know" He rested his forehead on my own as we both closed our eyes and mourned together over our friend.

My chest convulsed up and down as tears guided down my chin. A cough escaped my throat, not a sickling cough but one of just air and hurt. Zayn's hands wrapped around my fragile body rubbing my back. Trailing his fingers on my spine. I recognized the familiar gesture, Zayn always did to comfort me. It usually worked but this was different.

"We let him win" I choked into Zayn's chest. "We let Elliot beat us" Zayn just nodded pressing his head against my ear. "I have to go" he whispered kissing my


He turned around walking towards the dormitory, I tugged on his bicep, dragging my feet across the ground like a child would to their parent.

"I'm coming with you" he removed his arm fierily gritting his teeth "Celia, You have to stay" "No" the stubborn side of me spat. "You have no other choice, I can't let you get hurt" "I'm going" "No, you're not. And if you try to follow me, I'm compel you myself to leave"

My eye brows furrowed as I swallowed which was a hard task to do after my throat was swollen. My eyes failed to stop crying, rejuvenating tears to clump on my eyelashes. I had never seen Zayn this way. He was the last person to own authority over me.

I tried to be strong but my whole world was crashing down. The walls I built to support myself vanished and I lost all self-sufficiency. "Zayn, please. Don't leave me-" He un-paused his continuation walk to the doors, trying my best to keep up to him. I sobbed while he pressed on "I don't have anyone else!"

"Zayn, Zayn!" He turned a corner leading to the exit of the main doors. I peered through them into the chilled night air of New York. My eyes vacated every ounce of space left. "Zayn!" I screamed through miles of air burning my lungs.

Then I realized there was no one. He was gone and I was alone. Dropping to my knees I buried my hands in my face. Letting all events from tonight shatter my own reality.

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