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"You scumbag, you're not going anywhere. You're not going anywhere for a long time." 

A strong voice entered my ears, and I see its speaker - a burly, also armor-clad man, holding Scott back in his arms, before pushing him away, behind him, and he wasn't alone. An entire policing squad or two... or seven was now parked in the clubhouse's backyard or in the air above, with officers either pointing guns and other devices at us - no, just Scott, actually - or running around to enter the building elsewhere. As those wanderers went away, there were just as many coming our way from the opposite side, most likely from inside, either with a human in custody or a puny person in hands, taking them to a vehicle. What in the world is going on? No, I have a better question: am I getting arrested? NO. Best question: Where the hell is-!?

"Trace McGuire?" the previous man's voice called to... to me? How does he-? "We got a call from your workplace... you know, the organization you work for?" I had confusion, but when I examine the seal on his armor/uniform, I understand that we're connected - his occupation in one organization and mine in another, but both working for the same goals under one program collective. "They said that there was possible suspicious activity going on, at this location, but as time went on, it just got bad over here. We had to come ASAP." My work called the fuzz?

"H-How did you know about this? How bad is it?" I ask, in total shock.

"To answer your first question..." The officer (I'm assuming) reached a hand onto the rim of my glasses and touched it, revealing how I had been recording my whole time here at this party, with GPS on, unknowingly. I got them from work, so they can always see and know its usages, including the footage from the streaming video right now. Why am I even wearing these? *face-palm* "When Mr. Foster started getting uncomfortably cheeky about his... Melrose, was it? His little lady? Anyway, when he and his friend began their conversation, that was an immediate red-flag. A bit of searching through profiles later, and well, they're not going to go back to a 'normal' life for a loooooong time."

"Do... Do I want to know why?" All I received back from him was a bite on his lip and a shaking of the head. Okay, maybe I'm not looking him up. ...No, I still am.

"For the second question, however," he continued, "let's just say that none of the humans who also brought a guest from another realm to this occasion neither had the right to do so nor had the right to have quote-unquote 'ownership' of one, to say the least. Well, all except you, of course." Wait, me? I... I was granted communication with Amy as a companion of sorts because of my position, but I don't think I was even allowed to bring- "We've been informed of you and your lady friend's relationship situation. While I can't say anything about you past known, federal, vocational procedures, I do know that you're the best at what you do otherwise, for her and your work... according to all tiers."

"I... uh, thank you." The b-best? Does that mean I get a promotion? Gosh, what am I doing? Am I joking to relieve my stress now? Wait, I'm not the one with the issue here! "Sp-Speaking of my... uh, 'lady friend,'" I start calmly before freaking out, "please tell me you know where she is. Please. Please!"

Looking through some kind of electronic PDA-looking thing, he had a cheerful smile on his face, until he saw my face - my surely anything-but-positive face. "Wait, you brought her with you? No, she can't be in this mess. I just need to make sure... which one of the Kriwyhx did you bring here?"

Wow, he actually said the species name right... Impressive. Anyway... I could've given Amy's full, original name, as she told me in her native language, but knowing how most humans wouldn't know how to repeat it both verbally and in writing, I instead give him the translated name that everyone calls her - the one I unintentionally gave her over a decade ago that she just happened to really like, which was greatly reassuring on my part,

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