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I'm finally starting highschool , I've been waiting my whole life for this . I can be whoever I want ... a fresh start . No more nice girl Robyn I want to have fun , something I've never really done .

I got snapped out of my thoughts when Aubrey kept shaking my shoulder trying to get my attention .

"Whaaaat ! " I snapped at him flicking his hand off my shoulder .

He gave me an innocent look .
"Calm down Robyn I just wanted to check your schedule to see if we have any classes together."  I digged into my pocket and handed him my schedule  .

I looked at him while he examined my schedule .

Aubrey changed over the summer .

His once soft voice has some bass in it , he stopped wearing his glasses and we're not the same height anymore .

He looked up at me staring at him .

"What ?" he asked giving me a weak smile

His braces hadn't changed though , they were the same old color , baby blue.

" You look different Aubrey " I said touching the bridge of his nose were his oval glasses used to rest .

He slightly blushed as he took my hand in his and removed it from his face. " I haven't changed at all except I wear contacts now" .

" I mean you look better not the nerd I knew in eighth grade , I smiled as he rolled his eyes  and your voice got way deeper you don't sound like a little boy anymore and you're like 6 ft now ".

He smiled " you trying to give me a complaint Robyn ?? , trying to say I'm cute or something "

I scrunched up my face . " eww nah " I said laughing .

He did look cute but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of letting him know .

I ran my fingers through his baby curls .

"And Afro Aubrey is gone , you even got a line up , highschool really does change people I said admiring his baby curls in his head .

He swatted my hand away again .
" stop touching me " he said smiling

" You've changed too Robyn , you look like a different person " .

I scoffed at him . " I look exactly the same which is sad , and we still gonna be the same nerds that people saw us as in eighth grade " .

"I don't think we're nerds , we just take school seriously we have to , we aren't rich like some of these kinds on the bus" Aubrey said looking at me .

I looked around the bus and I knew he was right . Me and Aubrey come from single parent households and we aren't privileged of having mommy or daddy have good stable paying jobs .

"I guess your right Aubrey , like always " I said leaning my head back on the bus seat and sighing .


I looked at Robyn sighing and couldn't help but notice the differences in her too . 

Her body defiantly developed more . My eyes innocently sneaked down to her deep v line in her long sleeved baby pink shirt and down to her now shapely thighs in her black shorts .

She turned her leaning face forwards me and gave me fake smile depressed by our social status .

Her hazel eyes now were surrounded by coats of mascara and her lips shinny with lipgloss , her hair was even different it was straight and tucked behind her ears.

I never noticed how pretty she was .

"What ? " she asked looking back at me

"Nothing I said looking back down at our schedules .

"We have 4 classes together gym, English , biology and cuisine . " I said handing back her schedule.

"Thank god , she said looking over at her schedule . " I'm lowkey really nervous Aubrey, what if we don't make friends and be outcasts , what if all the cute boys think I'm ugly ...God what if I never get a boyfriend . "

I looked at her crazy .

The bus came to an halt and parked in front of Jefferson high school.  The front entrance was packed with freshman finding their friends and looking scared .

Robyn and I walked off the bus and looked lost . A couple of freshmen boys where staring our way looking at Robyn .  I nudged her and told her to come on . She grabbed my wrist as we navigated through the packed crowd and into the school to the school auditorium . 

We found a seat and listened to the principal of Jefferson high welcome us to our new chapter of life .

Robyn scooted next to me and whispered in my ear. Her voice tickled ear . "5 o clock there's a girl checking you out Aubrey ". I turned my face to see and a white blonde girl was staring at me but quickly looked away .

I looked back at Robyn and she was smiling at me . "See that never happened in middle school you DO look different . "

I guess I said staring at her lips.

When the principal finally stopped talking we exited the auditorium and went to your first period classes . Me And Robyn had the same first period class gym.

Robyn groaned . "God good , we have gym so fucking early ".

We walked to the gym and it was a mix of girls and boys. We waited for the teacher to go over the rules and check attendance . He told us today was a free day so we went over and seat by the bleachers .

Robyn leaned over to tie her shoes and a group of boys were staring in our direction .  I looked at Robyn and saw they were staring at her cleavage that was about to bust out her v line shirt .

"Robyn here ". I stopped her from tying her shoes and did it for her . She looked surprised "What are you doing Aubrey ?" .

Im helping you tie your shoes . I said looking up at her attitude covered face .

"I don't need your help" she said trying to wiggle her feet from my hands . I stopped her by not letting go of her feet. "Robyn your boobs were about to bust out when you was tying your shoes a group of boys where staring at you  so I'm gonna do it for you ".  I felt my cheeks get red by mention her chest .

She looked at me in awe .
"You'll be such a great boyfriend Aubrey ".

I sat back next to her when I was done and he hugged me . I noticed the same boys who where looking at her chest were looking at me this time and I hugged her a little harder .

She let me go and smiled at me again and I felt a knot in my stomach . "Robyn we're in highschool and boys notice things , you gotta be careful or you'll only attract boys who want you for one thing .

She gave me a devilish smile . "Do you notice those things on me ?".

I looked at her trying to mask my emotions .
Of course . "No" I said blankly trying not to smile .

"Whatever , you're such a lair "she said pushing me laughing .

I looked at her and smiled .

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