Dates & Hormones

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Since me and Robyn kissed I find myself looking at her lips . I look at her lips and stare at her Cupid's bow and get flash backs to what happened in her room but she acts like it never happened I guess it was just practice . Which I'm fine with , I don't want anything to change between us . 

I walked into English and sat my backpack down and waited as the class filled with students . Robyn was seconds away from being tardy as she stumbled into the classroom as the bell rang . She shot me a quick smile and went to her seat , my eyes were following her as Justin smiled at me when he realized what I was looking at . " She's cute bro , you guys talking ??". I smiled at him shaking my head . "No man we're friends , it's not like that". He looked at me then back at Robyn . " If I didn't have a girlfriend I'd shot my shoot bro" he said smirking still looking at Robyn . 

"Man pay attention " I said laughing while pointing towards the whiteboard .
Justin is a cool dude , I have him in other classes and we've gotten close these past few weeks . Our English teacher Mrs. Kennedy handed out copy's of to kill a mocking bird and told us to pair up in groups of three and to read and annotate.  Robyn immediately stood up and walked over to me and Justin smiling .  I Introduced them as Justin looked at Robyn googly eyed .  She quickly said hey to him and turned her attention to me . "Today is the big day right ? You and Vanessa are going on a DATE".  I looked at her . "We're supposed to be reading ".  Justin became intrigued and asked Robyn which Vanessa , she told him and he looked at me excitedly and proud at the same time . "Aubreyyy, dude Vanessa is fucking hot and she asked you out ?? , man you gotta take advantage of that ".

"Oh he will " Robyn said casually flipping through the pages . I looked at her blankly and focused on the book .

Justin couldn't stop talking about Vanessa all through English . As the bell rang and I closed up my book he was still going at it . "Man chill , it's just one date . We going to the movies and She's going home  ". 

"You have to do more than that bro , at least get to second base and squeeze something , man girls are so soft you just wanna ugh , look at Robyn bro he said lowering his voice . She was standing up and going back to her seat to get her backpack and leave . " Her butt is a plump peach screaming for you to touch it ".
My eyes trailed down to her tight baby blue jeans that hugged her perfectly . "Justin chill " I said laughing as we entered the packed hallway . I said bye to Robyn as me and Justin walked to our next class .

"I can't help it Aubrey , I'm horny half of the time my girlfriend starting to complain she can't keep up "he said smiling .

I shook my head smiling at him as we went upstairs . "Don't act like you aren't horny too man , embrace it  ....don't tell me you're a virgin man " justin asked looking at me shocked .  I shrugged my shoulders " I just haven't done it ". He scoffed at me still shocked .  "This explains so much " he said laughing . "Whatever man , I've got plenty of time for that " I said as we entered Mr. Smith precalculus class. Vanessa spotted me as I entered the class and she smiled , "Go get her tiger " justin whispered to me as I walked over to my seat which was right next to her .

Through out the class I could feel Vanessa glancing to me , I could see her breath in a sigh of relief as Mr. Smith told the class to switch papers with somebody and go over the answers . She handed over her paper to me smiling . " So have you thought about where you wanna go " she asked flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder . "Yea I was thinking the movies , i wanted to go see the new Star Wars movie ". She looked disappointed in my taste in movies but smiled back at me as I told her when I was going to pick her up .


I was opening my sprite when Robyn plopped down in seat right in front of me on the lunch table . She sighed heavily as she unwrapped her cheeseburger and took a big bite . "What's wrong with you " I asked searching her face.
"I'm just already tired of school I have 3 projects to do and I have to read more of to kill a mocking bird because y'all was messing around , talking about fucking Vanessa . How that go anyway I know you just came from that class ". I told her how we are going to see Star Wars and how she seemed a little disappointed when I said that . Robyn closed her hazel eyes and tried to keep from laughing as she placed her red nails on her lips . "Star Wars ? " she croaked at me laughing . "What ? , you love Star Wars every time we watch it we have a good time ".  She rolled her eyes smiling at me . "Aubrey , me and Vanessa are completely different people , she would never like what I like , she just agreed because she really wants to go on this date with you ".

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