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Aubrey laid on my bed looking kinda of gloomy. I hit his thigh trying to cheer him up . Since his date with Vanessa he's been trying to avoid her as much as possible which is pretty much impossible. " it's only been a day Aubrey , and from what you told me the date wasn't that bad . " I said smiling at him . He  looked up at me like I didn't know what the hell I was talking about . " Robyn it's just I don't like her , and I don't know if I should wait and tell her that I don't like her or act like everything is fine . Aubrey doesn't like miss Barbie ? I tried to keep my lips together from smiling as he sat up bring his body closer to mine . "What do you think I should do rob " he said searching my face . Kiss me and forget about the situation . Well I think you should tell her as soon as possible, it might be awkward but it's for the best . " I guess your right " he said touching the end of my hair slightly . I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek . "Cheer up you look ugly when you're sad . I want him to kiss me back, ever since we kissed I want to do it again , I mean we're friends but I want to feel that feeling again that I felt when his lips were on mine .

.Aubrey looked at me slightly blushing. Hurry up and kiss me . "So what about Demarcus ? Has anything happened between you and him ? He asked slightly shifting is body . Dummy . I sighed. oh well . " no nothing has happened between me and Demarcus, he hugs me every time he sees me and he invited me to a party this week but nothing ". I said not trying to sound annoyed at him . Are you going to go ? He asked . I couldn't stay mad cause he looked so cute his pretty brown eyes and his pink lips and his baby blue braces were driving me crazy and he didn't even know . I smiled weakly at him , no but I'll go if you come with me .

He smiled back . "What would I tell my mom ? . I rolled my eyes at him . You don't have to tell your mom anything , seriously what will she do take your video games away ? . You're such a goodie I said laughing at him .

"ok", ill go with you but if anything goes super wrong I'm blaming you he said smiling .

deal .


My stomached groaned as I got closer to my math class and closer to seeing Vanessa . I just cant lie to myself and her that I like her when I don't . I wouldn't say I like Robyn but I have a crush on her . I honestly don't want to say I like her or show it because I feel the second I say it everything will change for the worse .

As soon as I walked into the room Vanessa was all smiles and my stomach did another flip . I weakly said hey and sat down . thankful the teacher gave us a heavy lesson and we didn't have time to socialize, as the bell rang I quickly tried to leave but she called my name forcing me to stop.

"Aubrey I've been texting you but you haven't been responding ? I missed you . I cringed , I looked at her face searching for the words to say . " Vanessa I don't think me and you want the same thing '

She scrunched her eyebrows at me obviously shocked. "excuse you , what are you talking about .

I know you don't want to stop speaking to me after one time of going out ? what's the problem . I was taken back by her outburst, other students in the hallway were turning their faces in our direction trying to see what was going on. '' Vanessa please , I just don't feel the same way and I wanted to tell you before it got to far " I said trying to calm her down . She scoffed at me . '' I know what the problem is .... its that SLUT you call your bestfriend. I should have know you guys probably have sex everyday and every second but you decided to waste my time . I looked at her crazy, slightly upset . " Robyn isn't a slut and she has nothing to do with it .

She became more upset as she saw Robyn walking towards our direction . 'It doesn't really matter , have fun with your Slut , she hissed the word slut at Robyn as she walked away from me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2018 ⏰

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