Harmonious Heart Beat - Part 1

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Everyone was in a hurry! Swara looked confused but no one seemed worried about what she thought in that situation.

"What is happening? Where are we going in such a hurry? What is the matter? Are we being followed? Is there any problem." She constantly repeated the questions but none of them answered.

Her father Shekhar, ran to the ticket counter and purchased 2 tickets.

Shekhar, Swara's father, was a businessman, he had a supermarket in Dubai in the beginning and became 3 in about 30 years. Then he gave up the business in Dubai and returned back to his hometown, mainly with the aim to get his dear daughter married to a well-mannered, well-settled guy from a reputed family. They had been trying to look for guys since she had completed 2 years in a medical college, but Swara constantly refused to see anyone, she was totally not cooperative regarding the marriage issue. Usually when daughters refuse to marry even after the age of 24, parents doubt them on being in a relationship, but Shekhar never doubted Swara, he blindly trusted his daughter. She was always like a kid, always in her playful, dream world, Shekhar could never see her as a grown up, so they never discussed on this topic. Always he used his wife, as a mediator, to convey matters regarding marriage proposals to Swara. But even if Swara would have fallen in love, Swara wouldn't ever share it with Shekhar at first, because, despite Shekhar being a wonderful father, he wasn't a friendly father, he was strict and stuck to his principles. He wouldn't even bend his ideologies for anyone, he was very stubborn in that matter. But slowly Swara's parents understood her view point regarding marriage and agreed with her to wait till she completes her studies.

Shekhar ran to Gauri, handed over the tickets and had a brief conversation. Swara stopped trying to find out what was going on. She silently looked at everyone. Her mother Sharmishta, was looking here and there, totally stressed, trying to hide Swara from someone, as if someone was following them. She guessed from her mother's creased forehead and overflowing eyes that, she was not probably going to be accompanied by her parents. She would be more relieved if they were to join her on the journey. In between her worries, Sharmishta turned to Swara at intervals, caressed her face, ran her hand through the bandage on her head and tears rolled down her eyes. Swara could feel the intensity of her stress, when her mother's caring grip tightened around her wrist at random intervals. She realized that the matter was a way lot serious than she could imagine.

Sharmishta, Swara's mother, was a very elegant woman with traditional thoughts and values. But she could compromise anything, be it her principles or decisions, she could change anything under the sun for her children, unlike Shekhar. Even when Swara fell in love for the first time in life, she shared that with her mother. Like every parent, Sharmishta's inner self asked her to refuse her daughter, advice her to not choose for herself, and the typical parental advices ran through her mind. But Sharmista's response was different, she was neither supportive nor repulsive, she adviced Swara to take decision like an adult! Sharmishta feared Swara's innocence, she feared if such an advice would lead Swara to a wrong path, would it harm her, but she wanted Swara to be a grown up, she had to change, she had to evolve into a person whom this world can't take advantage of. She was naive and always cried for small things like when her friends stopped talking or lied to her or ignored her. Sharmista knew that people took advantage of innocence and she wanted Swara to be bold enough to stand for herself and decide, in any situation. She decided to give Swara a chance to decide something for the first time in her life. Eventhough that decision turned out to be a mistake, Swara had learned her lesson, which changed her life.

Shekhar and Gauri came to them.

"Come on Swara" said Gauri and held her hand to take Swara with her. But Swara didn't move.

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