Chapter 6: In the Mountains

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My eyes fluttered open, expecting light to pour through the curtains, but through my eyes I only saw the darkness that gloomed over the city during the night, and my employer sitting on the bedside reading a book.

"Mr. Allen?" I asked as I sat up "What are you doing here?"

His eyes never left the book's pages, and his gloved hand moved to flip the page, "I heard that you collapsed during work... I came here to apologize."

"Sir, there is no need to apologize! You did nothing wrong."

"Had I known that you were feeling ill, I would not have allowed you to stay to finish my work." slowly, he shut his book, and looked at me, "Take care of yourself. For now, I will hire a temporary substitute for you. I doubt that they'd be able to accomplish as much as you, but I have no other choice." with the book in his hand, he stood up to leave, "Goodbye, Ms. Secretary."

I opened my mouth to say goodbye, but was interrupted by the sound of the door closing softly. Sighing, I lied down on the bed. Mr. Allen was very hard to talk to sometimes, but dealing with it was part of my job. It's not like I minded it, anyways.

A colorful array of flowers caught my eye, and right next to me was a bouquet. Flowers? Were they from him? I couldn't help the smile that made its way to my lips. After all, who else would they be from?

My thoughts halted by the sound of my stomach growling. When was the last she ate? Pretty sure she didn't have breakfast this morning... or lunch. I was so hungry.

Just as if it was rehearsed, the door opened and in came a nurse with a tray of... food? Can that even be called food? I blanched when she placed it on the bed with a mini table.

"Dinner is served!" said she with a bright smile on her face, as if she knew that I wasn't going to enjoy it.

I was never picky with my food growing up, but I did dislike things. However, if it was healthy I would eat it. Even if it meant eating something that looked like a mixture of green caterpillars with ladybugs.

I was hungry anyways.

The nurse never left my side the whole time I was eating, making sure that nothing would happen to me. Was this really a necessity? I was no longer a child.

After swallowing the last spoonful of the goop, I placed my utensils back on the tray in a neat manner. "Thank you for the meal." I said politely.

I guess hospital meals were exactly like how movies described them to be.

The nurse smiled and took the tray in her hands and prepared to leave. A thought came to my mind, and I couldn't help but ask, "Um, before you go is it okay if you gave me some sleeping pills?"

The other woman furrowed her brows, "But honey, you were sleeping for the whole day."

"I-I'm just very tired..."

Although she looked a bit hesitant at first, she nodded, "Alright, I'll get some after returning this."

I sighed in relief, "Thank you."

It didn't take long for the nurse to come back with a glass of water and one sleeping pill.

"Here you go, hon. Sweet dreams."

With one gulp I swallowed, and gave the nurse a smile. With that I continued to lie down on the hospital bed, awaiting for my dream to return.

Sounds around me started to become nothing but a blur, and then my eyes faded away into darkness.

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