Chapter 1

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I Like Him, He Doesn't Know


My name is Serena Blake. You know those movies, where there's always a popular girl? And she has the hot boyfriend? Most of the time, the main character is the nerdy girl who ends up with him right? Well, this isn't like that. I'm the popular girl in my high school. My boyfriend is Brian, the hot football captain. Of course. You won't believe how many people warn me about Lily, the "nerdy" girl, stealing my boyfriend. I think she's kind of nice though. She's always really quiet and wears these huge block glasses. I talked to her once, and she asked why I was being so nice. Why can't I be? I mean, it's not like I was meant to be mean. My best friend, Samantha told me that that's why I was so popular. Pretty, nice, and smart.

So one day, I offered to give Lily a makeover. When she agreed, she was so happy, that it was adorable. I helped her and she looked beautiful. After that, she became popular too and joined me and Samantha. I guess that now we're a group now or something. Somehow, the truth got stretched and people think that I'm a "makeover goddess". All the girls in my school keep badgering me to help them. It's not like I did much to change Lily anyway. I just gave her contacts, put some light makeup on, and boom. She's pretty. The only person not supportive of me right now is Brian. Nowadays, he always leaves when I come into the room, and ignores my calls.

So I headed out of my house and ran across the street to Samantha's so no stranger would spot me in my light green bikini. Lily was already there. Lily was dressed in a bright purple two piece, and Samantha wearing a polka dotted pink one.

"Hey Sam. Hey Lil."

"'Sup S?"

"Lily, I said stop calling me that." I giggled. "It makes me sound like Serena in Gossip Girl."

"Uh, that's the point." She smirked. I playfully swatted her arm.

"Hey, look who's heading our way." Sam pointed ahead. Walking towards us, shoving each other, was Brian and the rest of the football team. In minutes, they joined us as we drank our lemonade.

"Hey." I said, acknowledging Brian as everyone else scattered Sam's backyard.

"Hey Serena."

"So.. what's up?"

"Nothing much."

Well, this was awkward. Why wasn't he talking? He's usually the loudest one in everything.

"So... how's football?"


After another long silence, Serena was exasperated.

"Brian, is there something you want to tell me?"

"What? No, why?"

"I don't know... you just seem a bit off this past week. What's wrong?"

"It's just that..."


"Well, I don't think we should go out anymore."

It was just then, when everyone decided to go silent. I stared at Brian and he looked at the ground sheepishly.

"What? Why?"

"Well, I think it's time for us both to see different people."

I bit my lip.

"You met someone else didn't you?"

"Well... kinda."

I took a deep breath and smiled.


I Love Him, But I Don't Know (On Hold)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon