Chapter 5

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It's been three weeks since the party. I haven't heard any rumors about Abigal and

Michael yet, so that was good. Our relationship was more comfortable, and we didn't

have as much awkward silences as usual. I plopped onto the couch in my PJs, waiting for

my sister to come home for the break. I grabbed the remote, and ildily began flipping

through the channels. I went up to grab a snack, when the doorbell rang. I jumped up

excitingly, and swung it open.



We hugged, and I helped drag her bags inside.

"Geez, that's how I left you. In your PJs. Did you even move since I was gone?" She joked.

"I've moved quite a lot actually. I have some news to tell you."

"Good or bad?" She asked, as she threw herself onto the armchair. She leaned back and it

reclined at a 145 degree angle.

"Hmm... both, I guess." I dropped her bags and closed the door. I quickly joined her on the


"Bad first."

"Okay, I broke up with Bryan."

"... What's the bad news?"


"Sorryyyyyy, but Bryan was a pompous ass." She made her voice deep-sounding. "Ooh,

look at me. My name is Bryan. I don't know how to spell it though. I'm hot and... oh wait,

that's it."

I slapped her arm, and we burst into a fit of giggles.

"Wow, that was suprisingly accurate."

"Hell yeah." She fist pumped the air and sat up right.

"Okay. The good news is... I'm dating someone else."

"Oh. So there's the bad news." She fell back onto the recliner again.


"Well, no offense and all Sere, but the guys you date are kinda... well... bad?"

"Bad?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Well, they're not exactly good to you. Exhibit A, Bryan."

"Well, Michael is nothing like Bryan." I smiled to myself.

"Michael, is it? Interesting. Hey, you think he can come over for dinner and I'll meet him?'

"Sure, I'll give him a call."

I headed for the phone.

"Wait, tell him I'm your mom."

"What?" I asked incrediously.

"I just wanna scare him a bit. Plus, it'd be hilarious."

I smiled and dialed Michael's number. Speaker, Janice mouthed. I hit the speaker button

right when he picked up.

"Hey baby."

"Hey, listen. My ... mom wants to meet you. You free tonight for dinner?"

"Uh, sure. But... should I be worried? You know... about meeting your mom?"

I looked at Janice and she was shaking her head vigorously.

I Love Him, But I Don't Know (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now