I Know How Much That Hurts

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{song fic: Missing You- All Time Low}

I heard that you've been
Having some trouble finding
Your place in the world,
I know how much that hurts

You sat in Twogami's room, on his bed, close to him, where you usually liked to sit. It took a long time for you to earn the trust you wanted from him in order to even step into that room of his, but that was.... Before. When he was... Someone else. That other person.

But none of that mattered now. This boy who sat next to you, with his blonde hair (not a wig, you discovered), brown eyes sore from always wearing icy blue contacts in fear of someone stumbling upon him with his guard down and the contacts out, and casual clothes (baggy grey sweater, large, worn-out blue jeans and white socks) was 100% real, genuine, unfiltered. No haughty attitude, no guarded gazes, no crossed arms. This was your best friend, sitting next to you. Not Byakuya Togami.

"So... What did you call me here for, Twogami?" you asked, leaning back on your arms and glancing at his hunched, fidgeting figure. The nickname had been jokingly created by your mutual best friend, Hajime Hinata. Hinata, Ibuki, and Teruteru were the only ones that knew the imposter's secret- to the rest of the world, Twogami was the real, albeit strangely overweight, Byakuya Togami, heir to the Togami clan's wealthy business. You four were the most trusted companions of the boy next to you- the unguarded, vulnerable Super High School Level Imposter.

Twogami fidgeted with his chubby hands (a habit unshared by his disguise which only came out in moments like these) before he spoke; "I wanted to talk to you about... A piece of my identity, [Name]. My real one, the one.... Right here." He touched a nervous hand lightly to his chest, and you wanted so badly to reach out and hold it, entwine your fingers in his and reassure him- 'I love your identity, Twogami. I love what's in your heart. I love- I love-'

But you two were just friends. Only friends. Simply, and maybe permanently, friends. Twogami had expressed his lack of confidence in the idea of 'romance' or a 'relationship,' and despite a certain attraction shared among all your closest friends to the adorable, kind-hearted imposter, you had all kept your respectful distance and stayed a merry group of close pals.

But you had been struggling with this, as of late. And here, sitting next to him...

"Well what is it, Twogami?" you asked, sitting up and scooting a bit towards him.

"My name," he said, looking down at his feet. "I'm thinking... It's not right, to be called Byakuya around friends. It's not who I really am. And Twogami is fine, it's funny, but... I need something else. Something for only us. Our friends, I mean."

You both sat in silence, contemplating the idea. You supposed your dear imposter friends deserved a name all to his own- so far as you knew, so far as he told you, he never truly had one. It's what he wanted most of all, you guessed- to have a name. To be someone.

"I want to have something that I haven't.... Stolen, from anyone else," he said. His voice was strained as he struggled to transform his opaque thoughts into lucid words. "I am no one, and nothing, with no real identity. I am honestly, no one... And I want a name that suits it. My lack of self, my real nothingness."

You wanted to protest him momentarily, tell him that he was someone and something to you and his friends- most especially to you. But an idea struck first- Japanese wasn't your first language, but you spoke it to come to Hope's Peak, and now you recalled a word you'd known...


Twogami looked up at you for the first time of your visit to his room tonight. His brown eyes were surprised and curious, and so, so beautiful. They were dark, but not looming- simply like chocolate, or coffee with a tiny bit of milk. His favorite drink.

"Daremo. It means nothing, or no one... Is that what you're looking for?" You gazed at him with the same warm intensity you always have, even before he revealed his true self to you. Since the beginning, you'd always felt a type of affection for him, no matter how often he changed his entire personality and, as Byakuya, put you down and ridiculed you. You knew it was always just for show and to keep his imposter title. Without it, he would be ruined. Devastated.

"Yes," Twogami replied quietly. "I think... Yes, that's it. I am Daremo. I am no one."

A quiet settled between the two of you as you merely gazed at each other, softly and without awkwardness. You had become accustomed to these silent staring contests- sometimes, Twogami just needed them. He needed to be quiet, to not hear the fake voice he had invented for his role as the heir, to cease his fidgeting hands and look at something- or someone- that made him feel grounded in his current state. Made him feel safe.

"Daremo Twogami. The new name of my best friend," you smiled widely, placing your hand on his gently. He did not speak or move, only blinked and looked at you before grinning and gazing down at your hand on his.

"Yes... You are truly my best friend, [Name]," he said with a little chuckle, and your heart suddenly began to beat firmly in your chest. 'I think I really do love him,' you thought. 'Really, really I do.'

You scooted closer to him, fingers still laid on his, and soon your hips were touching. You removed your hand and put your right arm around his shoulders, beginning to gently stroke his shoulder and back.

"I'm glad for that, Daremo," you said, face close to his. "I'm glad you can trust me like this. To call me over tonight to consult with me about something so important to you... I really appreciate that. As your best friend, I... I just think I should probably tell you-"

Twogami turned to you and cupped your cheek with his left hand, silencing you instantly. You felt heat rush to your cheeks, and you could do nothing but drown in those deep, brown eyes.

"Of course I trust you, [Name]," he said, his voice sounding far off despite being directly next to you and facing you, close enough to just lean in, a little closer, and-

"You are precious to me, [Name]. In a way I wasn't sure I could feel about anyone. Obviously, Hinata is also precious to me, as well as Ibuki, and even Teruteru has become a close friend, but you... What I feel for you is, different. Inexplicable."

And just like that, before you could speak, as you drowned in those brown eyes, he pulled you close and kissed you. It was gentle and slightly unsure- barely even a touch, next-to-no pressure- but it was a kiss, and it was Twogami who was kissing you, your best friend, your confidant and pal and the most important person in your life.

He pulled away. You came up for air from those deep, deep eyes, and the two of you looked at one another. You giggled, and he chuckled, and soon you were both sharing a nonsensical but affectionate laugh- the kind of laugh only shared between a pair of friends who had suddenly, quite unexpectedly, becomes more than friends.

You both sighed, shaking a bit but insanely happy, and you leaned your head on his soft shoulder.

"I love you, Daremo," you said.

"I love you too, [Name]. Thank you. Really, thank you."

And if you need a friend,
Then please just say the word.

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