I Like You, I Love You

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Byakuya Twogami was, quite possibly, the cutest boy you had ever seen. None of your friends seemed to agree- they always said, sure, he's rich as all hell and THAT might be a reason to date him, but cute? You're nuts buddy. Off your rocker.

You were the only person to really adore Mr. Porkfeet for all that he was- Ibuki called him cool, but said out loud that he would be better-looking if he was skinny, and while you sort of wondered about his tight but strange friendship with Hinata, it was apparent that you, of all people at Hope's Peak Academy, had fallen for Byakuya Twogami, hopelessly, entirely.

So... What to do?

You had arranged plans in your spare time. Every time you sat near him during a class (to the left and a seat back- perfect to be able to talk but also to just stare at him without him noticing) you ran ideas through your head; bake him cupcakes that spelled out "I think you're cute" or a cake that said "DATE ME!!", with two exclamation marks, maybe even three.

But you never went through with it. You couldn't even freaking bake, and you were too embarrassed to ask Teruteru to help you (besides, your sudden interest in learning how to cook decently had been misconstrued by the chef as an interest in HIM, and that had gotten.... Awkward).

One day (a Thursday, a rather pleasant day) you sat at lunch with two of your classmates, Peko and Fuyuhiko. The three of you were enjoying your food, and you listened quietly as Fuyuhiko ranted about some particularly gritty Yakuza business and Peko nodded and make small comments throughout the story.

On the far side of the cafeteria, Twogami entered through the double doors, Ibuki at his heels and Hinata walking close to him, trying to shake Komaeda off his arm (what a creepy ass kid, you thought of the white-haired boy). The group entered the lunch line out of sight, and you sighed inwardly, waiting for the moment Twogami came back out the other side, plate piled with food and heading to a table with his close friends, never once noticing you gazing at him with longing eyes.

"Don't you agree, [Name]?!... [Name]? Yo [Name!]!" Fuyuhiko barked at you, snapping his fingers in your dazed face, pulling your distracted eyes back to him and Peko.

"Uh?? Uh, yeah, definitely, Fuyuhiko, dude... You're the toughest..." you muttered an answer that seemed like something he would want to hear. He puffed out his freckled cheeks at you, frustrated with your lack of attention to his badass Yakuza tales.

"You've been terribly spacey lately, [Name]. Something wrong?" Peko inquired, staring you down with those intense red eyes of hers. She had her chin on the back of her hand, unrelentingly beginning her interrogation of you. You knew you couldn't hide anything from Peko- she was an expert at finding out your most troubling secret problems, and wouldn't put up with lying.

"It's [her/his] stupid crush on ol' Porkfeet over there!" Saijoni cackled, sliding onto the bench next to you with her lunch, her pigtail brushing into your face and Mahiru following reluctantly.

"What the-?! Saijoni, fuck right off! How did you even hear what we were talking about?!" you snapped at her, face flushing in despair. Saijoni had figured out your crush on Twogami not too long ago, when she had teasingly knocked your books out of your hands in the hallway and immediately snatched up an undelivered love note you couldn't bring yourself to give to Twogami. Saijoni had crumpled the note beyond repair, but had still gotten the chance to glance over it and discover your secret.

"I just don't get it, [Name]!" Saijoni chirped, taking a bite out of an onigiri and chewing loudly. "He's a big ol' fatass! And you think he's, what, CUTE? Are you mental??"

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