A walk in a park, hopefully

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● ( y/n ) pov ●

My eyes flutter open to the sun shining in my eyes , not understanding where I was. I look to my right to only find that saskue was sound asleep. I blushed so hard that you might think I was jar of cherries. I look around to remember where I was. I gasp to remember to walk saskue home , his parent's must be worried . I nudged saskue to wake the poor boy up, but it didn't work . Instead I managed to teleport him home hoping he was up now. I sighed in relief, getting out of the " future " home of ours .

saskue my lovely saskue I really hope , that you'll truely love as much as I love you ~~

Moved his hair away from his face not wanting him to wake up. I stood there admiring his sleeping form in a loving way , that could almost melt anyone's heart. GOD I could do this forever. A big grin was plastered in my face at the meer thought of him .


Sadly, my thoughts were interputed my that strange noise . Christ , who could it be now . " SASKUE ,SASKUE get up and come down to eat breakfast with your father and i , my love !" Mrs. Uchiha called out to her youngest son . Her foot steps were nearing the door . I teleported home as quick as possible.

I sighed out in fustrastion opening my door to my home. And decided to cook me some breakfast as well . I made some ( f/b/f ) . And hoped in the shower. Washed by hair the usual. Brushed my teeth , blow dried my ( l/h s/h ) . And put my white baggy turtle neck dress on and my black ninja shoes . Moisturize my plump lips . I had officially decided to take a walk in the park . I took my keys and took off for the new day.

I look around mesmerized by nature and the people surrounded it . But my eyes peeped a certain blonde and spikey haired boy everyone seems to know as naruto the trouble maker. He look highly upset and alone . I hated seeing him like this , looking like someone copped his ramen from him for entirety. I'd make the best of this moment.

• naruto p.o.v •

" NARUTO , NARUTO . HAI ! " a certain ( h/c ) girl waved at me from a distance smiling bright as day. She ran up to me gorgeous as ever, making my mood change instantly. " hey , ( y/n ) how's it going " i gave her the best smile I ever had to offer. " much better since i seen you ! " she giggled , so freaking CUTE ~( ♡^♡ )~.
She looks at me with excited eyes " naruto since i really have no one to play with , would you mind playing with me !" . I couldn't believe it , my other crush is asking to play with me! Why the heck not . I hopped of the swing and pointed my thumb towards me " why not , believe It !" She grabbed my wrist and ran towards the play ground , until a certain pink head and and a blonde ..... ino and sakura. Sakura was my other crush , but she doesn't like ( y/n ) nor does ino.  Maybe of the fact that her and that boy named saskue hang out with each other alot . Oh boy here comes trouble.

• ( y/n ) p.o.v •

Oh great these two. Why avant they just stay home or something always starting drama . I looked at sakura and she was smirking and ino had her hand on her hip.  " hey ( y/n ) where's saskue ,did he finally realised how much of a loser you are ~ " ino spoke up in her daddy time of hers. " yea , why won't you leave my saskue alone" sakura choked in also , your saskue HA please I'll get rid of you before you even have a chance .  I gave her and that big forehead a cursing glare , oh much i wanted to pumle and snap her neck . I must keep my cool . " well I'm sorry , saskue is home he is not feeling to good today " I gave a closed eyes smile to the two rats . "  have a nice day you two "  I walked off with naruto in my grasp . I looked at him and he looked stunned , I smirked to myself . I bet he wasn't expecting that.

~ time skip , cuz why not ~

"  ahhh I'm super tired , naruto catch you later yeah ?  " I stretched my arms looking at naruto waiting for a. Response " yeah of course,  thanks for today it really means a lot " he said blushing.  "Catch you later naruto " . And with that we went are separate ways . I walked up to my door step and opened my door. The sweet aroma of Apple and cinnamon hit my nose. I did my night routine and went in bed. I gaze to my side and seen a picture of me and my saskue smiling at the camra. I'm completely grateful to have a great person in my life . I plan to keep him in my grasp forever. Even if he doesn't even know.

S.A.D.I.S.T ( saskue x yandere/magical reader )Where stories live. Discover now