Deadlox/Ty imagine #TYS FOOT

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I was sitting on the couch my best friend Kayla watching random stuff on tv when the guys walked down stairs with their loud chatter interupted our tumblur search for random fanart of the ships.

"AWWWW heres one of you and Ty" Kayla said outloud and then came the loud footsteps and the faces peering over or shoulders. It was a simple picture of me and Ty with our eyes squeezed shut kissing, and our hands were held back. It was like when a middle school couple share their first kiss. And at the very bottom of the page was our ship name.

I smiled and then got up and went to the kitchen. I almost cried thinking about that picture. Ty is my crush but I know its never going to happen. Not only that but we did date in middle school and that looked exactly like our first kiss. I was the one who broke it off but regret that decision to this very day and wish that i could go back to the days we were together.

I sighed and prepared myself to go back to the living room when Ty walked in.

"Hey are you ok you seemed to walk out without a word" He asked looking concerned.

"Yea I'm fine just looking for the Doritos" I said rummaging through some cabinets looking for my bag of chips.

"Y/N you know you can tell me anything" Ty said "Oh and Adam finished them last night while we were watching the conjuring.

"That piece of shit" I muttered "Those are my favorite chips" I started walking out towards the living room but Ty grabbed my shoulder and rammed his lips on to mine. I immediately kissed back and I wished we could stay like that forever but we still need air every once in a while. Stupid air.

After we pulled apart he asked me a question that I never thought I would here again.

"Y/N will you once again be my girlfriend" I smiled and almost burst in to tears and hugged him and kissed him again.

"Yes" I answered before grabbing his hand to drag him back to the living room to help me beat up Adam.


YAY! Its done and if you want to go check her out @crazypiratekd4eva. Don't forget to leave a vote and comment who you want to see next. If you give me a name it will be dedicated to you. Thats all for now BBYYYYYEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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