Chapter 4: Dejection

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"Keiji-chan, meet Futa-chan!"

Akaashi blinked as a tall man with ash brown hair nodded towards him. The man had bangs naturally parted in the middle with eyes that matched the color of his hair. He looked just as problematic as Tsukishima.

"Futakuchi Kenji," the man said casually, continuing to look Akaashi over as he asked Oikawa a question. "What's he in here for?"

Ignoring the question, Akaashi gave a slight bow in response. "Akaashi Keiji."

"We thought he had disappeared, but he was just fooling around in the real world with his human," Oikawa hummed, giving Futakuchi a smile that sent shivers down Akaashi's spine. "He didn't even tell me his human could ALSO see him."

"Is that such a big deal?" Futakuchi mumbled, shoving his hands in his suit pants. "Beats staying here."

Oikawa turned to Akaashi who was now giving Futakuchi a much closer look. "We guardians can't stay in the real world for long unless we are within thirty feet of our assigned human."

Akaashi looked at Oikawa. "What happens if we exceed thirty feet?"

Oikawa shrugged. "We just get moved back fifteen feet closer."

"I see..."

"On that note," Oikawa smiled, turning to Futakuchi. "I'll need to give you another assignment as well."

Futakuchi frowned. "Why?"

"It's too dangerous for you Futa-chan, I'd rather like it if—"

"You're not my boss, Oikawa."

Oikawa stared for a second before his facial features settled into a pleasant-looking smile once more. "Don't say that Futa-chan, I only want to keep you safe."

"From what?" Futakuchi pressed, a vein twitching in his head.


"What do you know Oikawa? You're literally the same as us. Just because you lost your human once doesn't mean everyone else will follow!"

Akaashi froze. Even though the rest of the guardians were not present in the lounge, the three of them together like this created an extremely tense atmosphere. What did he mean Oikawa lost his human...?

"...Futakuchi," Oikawa began, a little softer this time.

Futakuchi made a small 'tch' noise in response and turned to head out the illuminated doorway. "I'm going back. And I'm taking my human's folder with me too."

The two watched silently as he left, and then Oikawa gave a very audible sigh of exasperation. "Honestly..."

"Um, Oikawa-san," Akaashi started, but stopped abruptly as the man in question spun around and lay a hand on Akaashi's shoulder.

"Now then Keiji-chan, your assignment?"

Akaashi nodded, swallowing the unanswered questions simmering in his mouth. Even as Oikawa continued to exude this sense of authority, Akaashi wondered if the other man had always felt this... small.

"Give me a little more time," Oikawa hummed, tapping his own chin lightly. He seemed to be ignoring the fact that there had been a fight just moments before in this same room. "I want you to tag along with some of the others."

"What do you mean?"

"Just follow a guardian around for a bit until I sort things out," Oikawa said, smiling.

Akaashi shifted uneasily on the couch. "Without a folder?"

"Don't worry," Oikawa sang, leaning against the couch. "It's easy enough to find lost guardians."

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