Tagged #6

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Nominated by Winter_Lim and Lynx_Nightmares to answer a few questions~

1. One thing you can't leave the house without?
My water bottle.

2. Favourite make-up brand?
I don't use make-up so...

3. Favourite flowers?
Those which are colourful and pretty. No favs.

4. Favourite clothing store?

5. Favourite perfume?

6. Heels or flats?

7. Do you get good grades?
For term 1 I got:
A -5/10
B- 3/10
C- 2/10
I consider it an average

8. Favourite colour?
Pink, white, gold, purple, blue, green

9. Energy drinks?
100 Plus, Sprite, Mountain Dew, 7Up, Revive

10. Do you drink juice?

11. Do you like swimming?
Yes. But I can't float 😂

12. Do you eat fries with a fork?
Very rarely. I usually use hands.

13. Favourite moisturiser?

14. Do you want to get married in the future?

15. Do you get mad easily?
No. More like irritated and annoyed easily than mad

16. Are you into ghost hunting?

17. Any phobias?
-Weak (as in physically and mentally)
-Insects and dirt

18. Do you bite your nails?
Ew no

19. Near death experience?
Er...not that I can recall...

20. Do you drink coffee?

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