Kataang One-Shot

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I was in the mood so-

Whipped up this short Kataang one shot :D


Katara was fighting between consciousness and unconciousness. Images swam before her vision. Some flashes of her past, some of the present. However, her past was so vivid, she couldn't tell which was real.

Distantly, she heard a voice call out from beside her. "Katara..."

She tried to turn towards the voice. It was infuriating, the moving images and all. But despite all that, she managed to see Korra rippling beside her like an image on water.

"Katara, please, don't go..." she choked, a trail of tear streaming down either side of her beautiful face. "I'm...I'm not ready."

Katara reached out to her, and even that her hand shook. She smiled upon touching the Avatar's tear-streaked face.

"You are, my dear," Katara barely mumbled. "Aang would be proud of you."

"Please..." Korra sobbed, her image fading away. "I love you..."

It was with great difficulty that Katara managed to mutter, "I love you too."

Then all was darkness.

When her vision returned again, it was to find she was lying not on a bed, but on a pile of snow. But no. The snow was everywhere. Across the horizon rose large glaciers and icebergs. She was back in the South Pole.

Katara sat upright and gasped, taking in a deep, chilling breath of icy air. The Sun was shining brightly overhead. She looked at her hands. They were suddenly not wrinkled and veined; they were smooth and slender. She extracted a strand of her hair from her bun; it was dark brown.

"Welcome, Katara."

She nearly had a heart attack when she heard that voice. His voice.

Twenty feet away from her stood the most gorgeous man in the world, with his cute arrow pointing down at his nose across his head, his silver eyes like the moon, his ridiculous beard that she would laugh about, and his smile that reminded her of everything she ever liked.

"Come closer, sweetie." Aang opened his arms as if in an embrace, that annoyingly playful smile still on his lips. "I want to ask you something."

Curious, Katara slowly got up. She realised she was dressed in her favourite Water Tribe robe that she always wore when she was in her twenties. She took a step on the snow. The snow did not dissolve. More encouraged, she then took another. And another.

It was only a matter of time she was by his side. Just being by him made her feel safe, warm and happy. All of this seemed too great to be true. But yet, Katara wanted it to be real.

He clasped her hands in his. They were so close now they could feel each other's chilly breaths on their faces as they stared into each other's eyes. Blue into grey. Grey into blue.

"Will you go penguin sledding with me?" he asked in a tone that of proposing to her.

Katara laughed, slapping him gently on the shoulder. Aang even allowed himself a little chuckled. Then both their eyes met again.

"I thought you'd never ask."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2018 ⏰

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